The Boston Landmarks Commission (BLC) held a subcommittee meeting on July 30 to discuss the draft study report for the Citgo sign in Fenway.
BLC Commissioners Lynn Smiledge and David Berarducci were in attendance, as well as Joe Cornish and Todd Satter of the BLC.
As the Sun previously reported, the Subcommittee held a meeting last month on June 4th in which questions were asked and changes to the draft were discussed.
At the July 12 BLC public hearing, the petition to designate the Citgo sign as a Boston Landmark was accepted for further study, according to a notice from the Environment Department.
At the meeting on Monday, Smiledge said that having a subcommittee to develop a study report is “unusual,” as it is typically generated in-house and will have one period of public input. However, in this case, the whole draft has been available to the public for two years, according to Satter.
Smiledge said that once the subcommittee is satisfied with the draft, it will be posted on the BLC website for viewing, and then formally presented at the next BLC public hearing. Satter said that the document needs to be posted for 21 days prior to and three days after the hearing, in which the public can provide input.
Several people in attendance suggested small changes to the wording in specific places in the document. Smiledge said that she hoped that she and Berarducci could agree on the draft by the end of the meeting, but they decided that since not all members of the subcommittee were in attendance, they would have to hold another subcommittee meeting to get approval from all members. Commissioners John Freeman, Felicia Jacques, and Richard Yeager were not at the meeting.
The date of this new subcommittee meeting will be announced shortly.