Storefront Renovation,Ventilation Grille Approved at South End Landmark District Hearing

An application that was heard at the South End Landmark District Commission three years ago returned on Tuesday night, Dec. 4, because owner Brian Tierney never put his approval into use. Tierney owns the building at 48A Clarendon Street/69 Appleton Street, and is looking to renovate the store front, including windows, at the Appleton Street facade.

Tierney said that the facade “hasn’t been touched in about 40 years,” except for painting. He said it’s in pretty good overall condition, and there was originally an open window on the facade that is currently boarded up, and has been since the early 1950s or 1960s. He said he’d like to renovate that area of the building, including replacing the door and reinstalling the window on the side. The top of the ell has some rot on it and he would like to repair that as well, he said.

Tierney said he’s looking into having a retail tenant in that space, but could not disclose who it was at this time. Staff preservationist Nick Armata told him that any signage the tenant will want will have to be submitted to the staff, which Tierney agreed to.

Tierney asked the Commission what color he should use for the facade. Commissioner John Amodeo said that they recommend dark colors on wood, but the Commission cannot regulate paint on wood. There is, however, no panting allowed on brick and stone.

The Commission approved the proposal with the provisos that the details of the door, any signage, etc. be submitted to staff.

  • At 599 Tremont Street, applicant Tagore Hernandez of Group Design build proposed to replace existing two over two windows (which he said are currently a “1980s bad remodel”) with new two over two windows. The existing windows are aluminum, and he is looking to replace them with wood.

Hernandez is also looking to install a ventilation grille that will extract stale air, and it will be paired to match the existing entry panel. It will be located to the left of the front door on a wooden panel.

The Commission was concerned with the location of the vent and setting a precedent throughout the neighborhood, but ultimately decided to accept the application with the understanding that it is to serve as a case-by-case basis and not set a precedent for that location for the vent universally.


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