The owner of a drain company and the corporation itself have been found guilty of recklessly causing the deaths of two workers on Dartmouth Street in 2016 when the trench they were working in collapsed, and they drowned in surging…
Month: November 2019
ZBA Approves Decks in the South End; Bubble Tea Cafe on Newbury Street
The Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) on Tuesday granted zoning relief for a project at 28 Concord Square in the South End, as well as one at 222-224 Newbury St. At 28 Concord Square, the project proponents proposed to install…
For the Record
From the Nov. 12 Boston Groundwater Trust, Lenox Hotel, 710 Boylston St., 4 p.m.: •Presentation by Giuliana Zelada-Tumialan and Steven Keppel of Simpson, Gumphertz and Heger on the relationship between Wood Piles and Sea Level Rise. •2020 Meeting Dates. •Adoption…
Police Briefs 11-14-2019
Unwelcome Dance Partners On Monday, Nov. 4, at about 4:25 p.m., a victim entered District 4 police headquarters to report he was the victim of an assault and battery at The Brahmin, located at 33 Stanhope St. The victim told…
The Climate Scientists Have Been Wrong All Along
For the better part of three decades, the vast majority of scientists — including those hired by the petroleum industry — have warned the world that climate change is occurring principally because of carbon emissions from our addiction to fossil…
Guest Op-Ed: Encouraging Lifelong Learning by Eliminating Late Fees for Youth at Our Public Libraries
By Mayor Martin J. Walsh In the City of Boston, we believe every child deserves an equal opportunity to succeed. We’re investing more than ever in our public schools, building out universal pre-kindergarten, providing free community college, helping students experiencing…
Kenzie Bok Triumphs in District 8 City Council Race
Kenzie Bok claimed victory in the Nov. 5 municipal election for the District 8 city council seat. According to the City’s unofficial election results, Bok, an affordable housing advocate, community leader and former chair of the Boston Ward 5 Democratic…
Titus Sparrow Halloween Party
Day of the Dead Vigil at Copley
SELDC Seeks Alternatives for Arts Center Demo
The South End Landmark District Commission (SELDC) on October 5 asked for a continuance on a proposal to demolish the existing building at 85 West Newton St., which is currently occupied by nquilinos Boricuas en Acción (IBA) Preschool and the…