Coronavirus Update: Due to public health concerns, the hearings that nor-mally would be held on a week have been postponed or canceled due to the guidance of Mayor Martin Walsh and the order of Gov. Charlie Baker. Some meetings, however, have been moved to an online or teleconference format under the emergency order on the Open Meeting Law issued by Gov. Baker.
• Construction
Due to the public health emergency caused by the spread of COVID-19, Mayor Walsh announced that he is extending the City of Boston’s order to pause non-essential construction for City of Boston permitted sites. The initial order an-nounced on March 16th was set for 14 days and will now continue until further notice.
From the May 5 Licensed Premise Hearing, 10 a.m., online:
12 Hemenway Manager, LLC; 12 Hemenway St., Fenway.
Manager: Karen Suri; License: Lodging House
Date: 4/4/2020: responding to a call for a fight; 4/8/2020: responding to a call to investigate a person; 4/12/2020: responding to a call to assist with a removal; failure to follow non-essential business order; 4/12/2020: responding to a call to investigate a person; 4/15/2020: responding to a call for a noise disturbance; 4/23/2020: responding to a call for an assault and battery with a deadly weapon; 4/29/2020: patron on patron assault by means of a dangerous weapon and failure to notify police; 4/29/2020: patron drinking alcohol on pub-lic sidewalk in front of Licensed Premise.
From the May 11 Council Ways and Means Committee Budget Working Session (via Zoom online meeting):
•11 a.m. The focus of this working session is the Police Department (BPD), the Fire Department (BFD), Emergency Medical Services (BEMS), the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC), and BPD revolving funds.
From the May 11 South End Landmarks meeting, 5 p.m., Zoom meeting (HTTPS://US02WEB.ZOOM.US/J/83227512223):
Design Review
•31 Worcester St. Proposed Work: At the garden level, modify entryway under the stoop, remove an iron gate, and install a door.
•81 Warren Ave. Proposed Work: Construct a roof deck with hatch access
•36 Greenwich Pk. Proposed Work: At the rear façade mansard level, install sliding glass doors and install a deck.
•227 West Canton St. Proposed Work: Construct a roof deck.
•18 Dartmouth St. Proposed Work: Construct a roof deck with hatch access.
•190 West Brookline St. Proposed Work: Construct a roof deck and head house.
•160 West Canton St. Proposed Work: At the roof, construct a deck with hatch access; at the entry, modify double leaf entry doors and install glazing.
Administrative Review/ Approval
•505 Massachusetts Ave.: At the Massachusetts Avenue and Tremont Street facades repoint brick joints with new mortar to match historic mortar in terms of color, texture, joint width, profile, and tooling; restore precast lintels and sills to match original profiles; repaint first floor façade to match existing.
From the May 12 Bay Village Historic District meeting, 4 p.m., Via Zoom (HTTPS://US02WEB.ZOOM.US/J/84652875098):
Advisory Review
•132 Arlington Street: Construction of nine rowhouses on existing parking lot.
From the May 12, 5:30 p.m., Council Committee on Planning, Develop-Ment, and Transportation hearing, via Zoom: Implementing changes for safe streets during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
The May 12 Boston Landmarks Commission hearing has been cancelled due to no agenda items.
From the May 12 Council Ways and Means Committee Budget Working Session (Via Zoom online meeting):
•10 a.m. The focus of this hearing is the FY21 Budget for the Department of Neighborhood Development (DND).
•2 p.m. The focus of this hearing is the FY21 Budget for the Office of Econom-ic Development (OED). This hearing will also cover the Boston Equity Fund.
From the May 13 Zoning Commission hearing, 9 a.m., via online or phone (BIT.LY/2VMJXXO OR Call 631.992.3221 And Enter Class Code 110-901-982.)
•9 a.m. First Amendment to the Development Plan for Planned Development Area No. 74, Fenway Center. Said First Amendment affects Phase 2 of Planned Development Area No. 74 which would allow for the proposed Building 3 to be a 22-story, approximately 535,000 Gross Square Feet of mixed-use commer-cial/research and development (“R&D”)/lab and life science space. Building 4 is a 12-story approximately 185,000 Gross Square Feet of mixed-use commer-cial/retail space as well as multi-tenant office/R&D/lab and life science us-es. The First Amendment also includes a shared-use 5-story parking garage over the Massachusetts Turnpike for up to 600 public and private parking spac-es.
From the May 13 Back Bay Architectural Commission meeting, 5 p.m., via Zoom (HTTPS://US02WEB.ZOOM.US/J/89922668064):
Design Review
•545 Boylston Street: Extend approval of wall mural from April 11, 2020 to December 31, 2020.
•15 Arlington Street: At Newbury Street elevation install awning and blade sign.
•177 Newbury Street: At front façade redesign front entry garden to lower level retail space.
•150 & 152 Commonwealth Avenue: At front garden remove existing Katsura tree and plant a Kousa Dogwood tree.
•199 Commonwealth Avenue: At front garden remove existing cherry tree and replace with a crabapple tree.
•29 Commonwealth Avenue: At roof install new headhouse, roof deck, mechan-ical screening, cabinetry and appliances, spa tub and fire bowl.
•126 Marlborough Street: At roof remove existing headhouse and deck and construct penthouse and deck.
• How to Report a Problem Property
Since taking office in 2014, Mayor Walsh has made fixing quality of life issues a priority in his administration. From investing in Public Works to making sure community policing is a staple in every neighborhood, we are making sure every neighborhood is clean, safe and a great place to live and work in. Unfortunately some properties in Boston need more help than others, and that’s why we are here. If you know of a property that fits one of the following criteria: multiple calls to 911, one that’s blighted or just a general concern, we encourage you to reach out to your neighborhood liaison.