Adopt-A-Tree in the Ellis
The Ellis Neighborhood Association, in partnership with Speak for the Trees is proud to announce a new program to protect the beauty of our tree-lined South End streets. Please join us as we care for our neighborhood trees with our new Adopt-A-Tree campaign.
Here’s how the adoption process works:
1.) Go to the Adopt-A-Tree website:
2.) If you have never signed in with Speak for the Trees, you will need to click on the “Sign Up” button in the upper right hand corner of the screen and provide your name, email and set a password. If you have already signed up as a volunteer, you can simply “Log In.”
3.) Now click on the South End and move the map until you find the Ellis neighborhood
4.) You will see blue triangles (new trees); green circles (established trees), purple squares (adopted trees) and yellow squares (empty tree pits)
5.) Click on the tree you would like to adopt and you will see a pop-up identifying the tree. Click on the More Info button.
6.) Click on the Adopt button if you would like to care for the tree by watering, mulching, and keeping the tree pit area clean.
7.) You can easily record your tree maintenance activities by going back into the site and clicking on your adopted trees.
Here’s more info about the program and caring for trees.
South End Dog Halloween Party Set for Oct. 30 at Peters Park
All dogs and dog owners are invited to the first annual
South End Dog Costume Halloween Party on Saturday, Oct. 30, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Joe Wex Dog Recreation Space on Washington Street at Peters Park.
The event will feature a JB Doggie Delights ice cream truck selling delicious homemade and dog-safe ice cream treats;
prizes for best dog costume and best dog owner costume; and Halloween cuteness and dog treats galore.
SoWa First Friday Returns Nov. 5
The SoWa Artists Guild has resumed its First Fridays and Second Sundays, when more than 90 artists at 450 Harrison Ave. in SoWa open their doors so you can meet the artists in person, view their new work created over the past year, plus you have the opportunity to buy direct.
The next First Friday is Nov. 5 from 5 to 9 p.m,, and the next Second Sunday is Nov. 14, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visit for more information.
South End Walking Tour
Do you want to learn more about the fascinating history of our neighborhood? Would you like to find out more about the architecture that shaped our South End streets? Do you want to meet some neighbors as we investigate local lore?
The Ellis Neighborhood Association invites you to join a walking exploration of our area streets with a knowledgeable tour guide from Boston By Foot on Saturday, October 30 from 1:00-2:30 PM.
The South End was Boston’s first big land-making project designed for new housing for Boston’s growing upper class. It was based on an English plan, with lovely parks and squares framed by rows of houses. The layout and our South End homes were inspired by Charles Bulfinch, the great architect of the Massachusetts State House.
To join the tour, register at
Haley House Clothing Drive
Join us for the Ellis Neighborhood Association’s Clothing Drive supporting Haley House!
Please help support our neighbors at Haley House by contributing to the clothing room at Haley House for the month of November. During the pandemic, there was an increase in the need for socks, underwear, and undershirts to be redistributed to the community.
Donations sought include new men’s undershirts (sizes L + XL), new men’s socks, and new men’s underwear (sizes L+XL).
Donations can be dropped off at the BCA Plaza during the Pumpkin Patch on October 23rd from 3-4pm or at the Hingham Savings Bank on Tremont St. from October 25 to November 15.