Protestors in Peters Park gathered on Friday, May 29, for the first protest organized in response to the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis (MN) police officers on May 25. What was expected to be a smaller gathering quickly swelled to hundreds of people. The peaceful situation in Peters Park lasted for nearly an hour. Later, it moved to the D-4 Police Station where there was a small confrontation with Boston Police, before the crowds left for a gathering in Roxbury. It kicked off a weekend and week of protests that went on nearly every night.
Photo courtesy of Mayor’s Office/John Wilcox The Ebenezer Baptist Church on West Springfield Street in the South End held its final service at the South End location on Sunday, Feb. 23, after continuously meeting there since 1871. Mayor Martin Walsh and several clergy joined in on the emotional, last service. Rev. Carl Thompson has said publicly the congregation will sell their longtime gathering location and temporarily meet in Orchard Gardens School next month until they find a permanent home. The building was constructed in 1860 for a Presbyterian Church, but former slaves from Virginia began meeting there upon arriving in Boston. The Church is an official Black Heritage Site.