Fines will be increased effective Monday, July 2, for parking in violation of 11 City of Boston parking regulations, including overstaying a meter – which goes up to $40 a whack.
The fines to be increased reflect those violations that most negatively impact Boston residents, are most frequently violated, and are a source of traffic congestion and safety issues on Boston’s streets.
Also effective July 2, vehicles parked in violation of the City’s posted overnight street cleaning program, where street cleaning begins at or after midnight and ends no later than 7 a.m., will no longer be towed. However, vehicles parked illegally at these locations will be subject to an increased parking violation fine of $90. Vehicles parked in violation of the daytime street cleaning program will continue to receive parking tickets with a fine of $40 and will continue to be subject to towing by a private contractor which results in additional fees.
“Parking regulations are a crucial component of urban transportation systems and abiding by them helps considerably to keep streets safe, functioning and equitable,” said Boston Transportation Department Commissioner Gina Fiandaca. “For instance, safety is improved when hydrants, wheelchair ramps and snow emergency lanes are not blocked; traffic congestion is eased when vehicles are not double-parked or left in no parking zones; and the parking needs of residents, businesses and visitors can best be balanced when drivers refrain from parking illegally in both resident parking and loading zones, as well as from monopolizing short-term parking availability at meters. Boston drivers are strongly encouraged to voluntarily comply with all posted parking regulations and help BTD to maintain the safety of our roadways.”
The parking violation fines to be increased are as follows.
- Resident Parking, from $40 to $60
- Overnight Street Cleaning (Ticket But No Tow), from $40 to $90
- Loading Zone, from $55 to $90
- No Parking Zone A, from $55 to $90
- No Parking Zone B, from $25 to $55
- Double Parking Zone A, from $45 to $55
- Double Parking Zone B, from $30 to $35
- No Stopping or Standing, from $75 to $90
- Meter Fee Unpaid, from $25 to $40
- Over Meter Time Limit, from $25 to $40
- Over Posted Time Limit, from $25 to $40
In City of Boston fiscal year 2017, more than 1.3 million parking tickets were issued in Boston. Yet, BTD continues to receive requests for parking enforcement. In the first 10 months of fiscal year 2018, more than 33,000 parking enforcement related requests were received through the City’s 311 system.
South End resident Stephen Fox commented, “The South End welcomes stronger enforcement measures, including increased fines, as one critical tool to help manage the transportation challenges and the traffic and parking crisis that grows every day in this neighborhood. There is no neighborhood that better illustrates the need to use every tool in the toolbox to begin to address the full range of parking challenges than the South End. We need to be bold more than just measured in addressing this issue.”
Revenue generated from the increased parking fines will be invested in the continued implementation of transportation priorities established in Go Boston 2030, the City’s long term transportation plan. An unprecedented public engagement process helped to identify 58 projects and policies prioritized in the plan. The projects and policies work toward a complete streets design to Boston’s roadways that serves all users whether people choose to travel by foot, by car, by bike, or by MBTA and other forms of public transit. The revenue generated will also allow for the staffing of 20 positions within BTD. Specific Go Boston initiatives to be undertaken as a result of these funds are as follows.
- Vison Zero safety enhancements including constructing additional Neighborhood Slow Streets zones and protected bike lanes, and fixing the most challenging intersections.
- Advancing Boston’s strategic bike network by building out high quality bike infrastructure.
- Creating Boston’s first Transit Team to work with the MBTA to improve public transit. Among other responsibilities, the Transit Team will design exclusive bus lanes and implement traffic signal improvements to benefit mass transit.
- Building a better pedestrian network through the Walkable Streets program.
- Filling missing bike and pedestrian connections to parks and paths through the Green Links Program. Three are currently underway: the Roxbury-Fenway Connector linking the Southwest Corridor and the Emerald Necklace; the Roslindale Gateway Path; and a multi-use path connecting Fenway and Yawkey Stations.
- Advancing the use of adaptive traffic signal technology. BTD is currently working with MassDOT to pilot this technology in the Seaport District.
- Expanding the Performance Parking Program to all City of Boston parking meters.
- Developing policies and programs focused on Transportation Network Companies, electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles.
- Working with local transportation associations and developers to manage privately funded street improvements to directly benefit the surrounding neighborhood
- Dedicating additional revenue toward the Parking Meter Fund to support neighborhood transportation projects.