State Rep. Byron Rushing, a South End Democrat, has been endorsed by Boston City Councilor At-Large Annissa Essaibi-George in his re-election campaign. Rushing represents the 9th Suffolk District, which consists of parts of the South End, Roxbury, Back Bay, and the Fenway. He currently serves as co-chair of the Progressive Caucus.
Essaibi-George, a Dorchester Democrat said, “I am proud to endorse Byron Rushing for state representative. Byron has dedicated his life and his career to fighting for civil rights, equality, and public policy that has made Boston stronger. At this critical time in history, we need progressive champions like Byron Rushing who will provide important leadership on Beacon Hill, and work with local residents, small business owners, and community stakeholders to strengthen our neighborhoods.”
Rushing said, “Annissa Essaibi-George and I have worked closely together on a number of issues, including homelessness, addiction and recovery, investing in our schools, and closing the achievement gap. We both serve on the Boston electeds of color group and know how important it is for every Bostonian to have access to equal and equitable opportunity, regardless of their race, immigration status, sexual orientation, and zip code.”
Byron Rushing is a longtime progressive advocate and community activist. He began his commitment to public service in the civil rights movement, working for CORE (Congress of Racial Equality) in New York — and as a community organizer for the Northern Student Movement in Boston.
He later served as director of Roxbury Associates and helped to found the Lower Roxbury Community Corporation (now Madison Park CDC) – one of the first community development corporations (CDCs) in the nation.
As co-chair of the state’s Health Disparities Council, he has written, sponsored, and passed important legislation, including the law that created statewide guidelines so hospitals would improve services to victims of violent crimes and legislation for substance abuse “treatment on demand” – the shift in policy from seeing drug abuse as a crime to treating it as an illness.
Rushing was an original sponsor of the LGBTQ rights bill. He was one of the leaders in the fight to protect marriage equality in Massachusetts and successfully co-sponsored the Transgender Rights laws.