The Boston Transportation Department’s new Transit Team told the Eight Streets Neighborhood Association on Oct. 8 about an upcoming refresh to the Silver Line on Washington Street.
Michael Tormey told the group that they will begin re-painting the bus lane from downtown to Dudley Square in the spring of 2020. Money has already been set aside in the Capital Budget for the project, and Tormey is looking for small ideas to help the project while they’re at it.
“We’re going to update the existing lanes with red paint to match our other bus lanes, and we’ll also be looking at some spot tweaks we can do to make the bus lane a little better,” he said.
They plan to make the crosswalks have signage and also make the bus lane clearer with updated markings – as the diamond shape has not been used for the bus lanes in many years.
In very specific places, they will use data to pinpoint places where there are issues with double parking and loading zones.
“We’re not looking to change parking regulations on a whole street, but maybe using data we can make some spot changes to the regulations,” he said. “Maybe we could add pick up and drop off zones, or loading zones.”
The project will also be in conjunction with the two-way Washington Street project in the New York Streets Neighborhood.
Some neighbors asked that the speed of the Silver Line buses be adjusted or addressed during the project.
“When they come over Herald, they really hit the gas because they don’t see any cars,” said President Michael Almond. “They are also very quiet, so that becomes a hazard. A lot of people are used to the noise, but they aren’t noisy.”
•Neighbors hashed out a plan by Alison Ryan of 3 Bond St. for a total renovation of the home there. Neighbors have several issues with the renovation, including the Groundwater Recharge System. A Zoning Board date was continued to Nov. 13 so the issues could be further discussed.
•The new officers were chosen for the organization, and most stayed as is, with the exception of a new secretary.
The officers are: President Michael Almond, Vice President Ted Pietras, Treasurer Colleen Fitzpatrick, Secretary Mary Chowdhury and Emeritus President John McLachlan.