Coronavirus Update: Due to public health concerns, the hearings that normally would be held on a week have been postponed or canceled due to the order of Gov. Charlie Baker. Some meetings, however, have been moved to an online or teleconference format under the emergency order on the Open Meeting Law issued by Gov. Baker.
City Council Budget Hearings for the Week:
•May 21 City Council Committee on Ways and Means Working Session, 10 a.m.: The focus of this working session are the FY22 budgets for the Parks & Recreation Department, Department of Innovation and Technology, Inspectional Services Department, and Boston Planning & Development Agency.
•May 24 City Council Committee on Ways and Means Hearing, 10 a.m.: The focus of this hearing is the FY22 budgets for the Public Works Department and the Boston Transportation Department.
*2 P.M. City Council Committee on Ways and Means Hearing: The focus of this hearing is the FY22 budgets for the Department of Neighborhood Development and the Office of Fair Housing and Equity.
•May 25 City Council Committee on Ways and Means Hearing, 10 a.m.: The focus of this hearing is the FY22 budget for Boston Public Schools.
*6 P.M. City Council Committee on Ways and Means Hearing: The focus of this hearing is public testimony regarding the FY22 Boston Public Schools Budget.
•May 27 City Council Committee on Ways and Means Hearing, 10 A.M.: The focus of this hearing is the FY22 budget for the Fire Department.
*2 P.M. City Council Committee on Ways and Means Hearing: The focus of this hearing is the FY22 budgets for the Boston Emergency Medical Services, Boston Public Health Commission, including Recovery Services, and the Office of Health and Human Services.
From the May 18, Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting, Online:
•363 Albany St., South End. Applicant: Noah Ziomek. Purpose: We will be removing the existing billboard on the corner of the building and installing a new structure, and 2 20’x60’ digital billboards.
•58 Burbank St., Fenway. Applicant: Sean George. Purpose: Erect a new 7-story Residential Building. The 1st Floor will consist of Amenity and Office space. Floors 2 to 7 will consist of Residential Dwelling Units. Each Dwelling Unit will have a projecting exterior Deck. Building will be fully sprinklered. Nominal fee letter attached. Previous ALT Application (ALT957456) Abandoned.
•165 West Canton St., South End. Applicant: Marc LaCasse. Purpose: Amendment to ALT1014362 to build a roof deck per plans provided and landmarks approval. Install balcony on rear of kitchen.
•1008-1010 Tremont St., South End. Applicant: JC Barbershop, LLC. Purpose: Build out of a Barbershop (This is a change in occupancy as well).
From the May 18 Boston Civic Design Commission meeting, online:
•220 Huntington Avenue, Back Bay
From the May 19 Boston Cannabis Board voting meeting, online:
•Liberty Compassion, Inc., 591 Albany St., South End.
License Type: Medical Cannabis Dispensary License
Request: Application for a change of beneficial interest holder; change of officers/directors; transfer of stock.
From the May 25 Boston Landmarks Commission meeting, 4 p.m., online via Zoom (HTTPS://US02WEB.ZOOM.US/J/88273690798):
Design Review
•Commonwealth Avenue Mall CONTINUED FROM 4-27-2021
Applicant: Elizabeth Vizza, Friends of the Public Garden
Proposed work: Landscape and lighting Improvements to the Hamilton, Glover, and Sarmiento statues.
•Boston Common – 139 Tremont Street
Applicant: Imari Paris Jeffries, King Boston
Proposed work: Create a plaza with a sculpture honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
•Preliminary hearing for Ayer Mansion, 395 Commonwealth Ave., Back Bay.