Massachusetts Alliance of HUD Tenants to Rally for East Canton Residents on Oct. 9
The Massachusetts Alliance of HUD Tenants will hold a rally in support East Canton who are now contending with luxury development in their neighborhood on Saturday, Oct. 9, at 11 a.m. at 79 East Canton St. (off Harrison, near Cathedral
According to MAHT, “Leggat and McCall, the developers of The Smith, have violated their written Agreements with East Canton Street residents to provide community outdoor space, save the trees, rebuild neighborhood sidewalks, and secure resident parking.”
Furthermore, the group attests that “low-income neighbors are barred by an iron gate from use of a courtyard or a rooftop swimming pool” while “a promised public outdoor area is now a toilet for Smith residents’ dogs.”
The rally, which includes a performance by the Extraordinary Rendition Band, will call for developers and the city to “pause” on the construction or more luxury, high-rise buildings until the city releases a comprehensive plan to build truly affordable housing for Boston residents.
SoWa Second Sunday Returns Oct. 10
The SoWa Artists Guild has resumed First Fridays and Second Sundays. More than 90 artists at 450 Harrison Ave. in SoWa open their doors so you can meet the artists in person, view their new work created over the past year, and buy directly from the artists themselves.
Artists will open for First Fridays and Second Sundays all year long. The next SoWa Second Sunday is Oct. 10, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m..