Mayor Michelle Wu announced the creation of the Cabinet for Worker Empowerment led by Trinh Ngyuen who will serve as the City’s Chief of Worker Empowerment. The Cabinet, equipped with oversight and resources, is charged with advancing the well-being of…
Month: September 2022
News in Brief
Bay Village Neighborhood Association’s 50th Block Party Celebrate BVNA›s 50th block party on Thursday, September 22, 2022, from 6:30 – 9:00 pm at the Josiah Quincy Upper School, Fayette Street parking lot. Join us for a lively and festive evening…
Bay Village Historical District Commission To Hold Public Hearing on Sept. 13
Special to the Times The Bay Village Historic District Commission will hold a virtual public hearing: DATE: 9/13/2022 TIME: 4:00 PM Please note. This meeting will only be held virtually and not in person. You can participate in the meeting…
Orange Line Repairs Reach Halfway Mark
Last Friday, the MBTA announced that 50 percent of the work taking place along the Orange Line during the 30-day closure is complete. Additionally, the scheduled work is on schedule overall. Overall, work teams have completed: · 44% of rail replacement;…
Mass Ave Coalition To Celebrate Jazz and History at the Fall Festival in Chester Square Park
On Sunday, Sept. 18 from 1-4pm, the Mass Ave. Coalition will be celebrating jazz and history in Chester Square Park with a Fall Festival. Residents, businesses, and institutions along Mass Ave. will celebrate who we are with: • Live jazz…
Climate Change Is Everywhere, All at Once
About a dozen years ago, the New York Times columnist and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Tom Friedman wrote a column in which he explained that “global warming” was a misnomer for the coming changes to the earth’s environment. He quoted some…
Serena Williams Is An Inspiration for Everybody
We wish to add our voice to the universal acclaim for tennis star Serena Williams, who played her last match this past week at the U.S. Open. The life story of Serena and her sister Venus, as depicted in the…
Letter to the Editor
Regarding the Harassment Around Boston Children’s Hospital A copy of the following letter from City Councilor Flynn was submitted to the Beacon Hill Times for publication. Dear Dr. Churchwell: I’m writing in regards to the alarming reports of harassment from…
Women’s Lunch Place To Celebrate 40 Years at Annual Dinner Gala
Women’s Lunch Place (WLP) is celebrating 40 years of serving women in need this year, and is gearing up to host its annual Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser. The fundraiser, which was held last year as a series of small watch parties,…
Emerald Necklace Parkfest To Be Held Throughout the Emerald Necklace Parks
Presented by the Emerald Necklace Conservancy, Emerald Necklace Parkfest marks Frederick Law Olmsted’s 200th year with free activities across the Emerald Necklace park system. The event will take place on Saturday, Sept. 24 from 1-6pm with a rain date of Sept. 25.…