Construction on the Tremont Street Design Project started this past spring. The contractor started building changes to improve safety and accessibility at every crosswalk along and across Tremont Street between Massachusetts Avenue and Arlington Street. We appreciate your patience with temporary inconveniences as this work continues.
Officials expect construction to pause for the winter in mid-November. Before pausing for the winter, work crews will be:
• Completing crosswalks and ramps
• Finishing the bus stops
• Installing temporary pavement markings to guide drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians
Our contractor will resume work in mid-April 2023 with anticipated completion by the end of 2023. We will send updates as construction advances.
What to expect on Tremont Street
Officials started planning a safer Tremont Street with you in early 2018 following two fatal pedestrian crashes on the corridor. We hope you are as excited as we are to see these changes take shape. Here is what you can expect when work is completed:
• Safer pedestrian crossings at every intersection along Tremont Street. Unsignalized intersections will have one lane in either direction. Busier intersections with signals will have more lanes to help keep traffic moving.
• Raised crosswalks at all unsignalized intersections parallel to Tremont Street. You’ll be able to walk in a direct path along Tremont Street. You will no longer have to cross large puddles after rain or snow. They will be fully accessible.
• Optimized traffic signals to keep all travelers moving safely. Pedestrian signals will come on automatically. Some signals will include a pedestrian head start.
• New, accessible bus stops with boarding islands
• Parking-protected bike lanes along most of the corridor
• Maximized curb space for deliveries, pickup and drop-off activities, and parking