Month: August 2023

Did you like Barbie?

Barbie, the blockbuster movie that is this year’s mass culture phenomenon, has drawn a mixed reaction from critics and the public alike. Some love it — they’re the ones who have gone multiple times to see the movie — while…

Letters to the Editor

On Bike Lanes  Dear Editor, The Ellis Neighborhood Association sponsored a July 24th meeting to discuss the Berkeley Street bike lane with the Boston Transportation Department. The meeting ended like other BTD meetings in the city, with unsatisfactory results. Protestations…

News in Brief

Summer Fun with Sherry Eskin this summer at South End Library Park The Boston Public Library presents Summer Fun with Sherry Eskin on Thursdays, Aug.3, 10, and 17, and Sept. 7, 14, 21, and 28 at 10:30 a.m. at the…