Back Bay Architectural Comm. meeting set for Nov. 13

The Back Bay Architectural Commission will hold its next public hearing virtually on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, at 5 p.m.

Please note: This hearing will be held virtually and not in person. To participate, please go to our Zoom meeting link or call 301-715-8592 and enter meeting ID 998 7824 4413 #. You can also email comments through email at [email protected]

Public testimony begins at 5:00pm

The agenda is as follows:

Discussion Topics

 Design Review – 5:00pm

24.1191 BB 246 Beacon Street: At roof replace rubber membrane roofing and cedar shingle roofing in-kind, and replace copper balustrade with a polymer stone material.

25.0284 BB 195 Beacon Street: At roof replace deck and construct headhouse.

Administrative Review/Approval

25.0379 BB 9 Arlington Street: At rear elevation repair existing fire escapes.

25.0315 BB 177 Beacon Street: At front facade repair masonry at door surround and entry steps, and reset pavers at walkway.

25.0269 BB 234 Beacon Street: Replace eight non-historic windows and three non-historic balcony doors with appropriate wood windows and doors.

25.0334 BB 255 Beacon Street: Replace thirteen third-story six-over-six wood windows in-kind.

25.0386 BB 289 Beacon Street: At front facade replace non-historic entry door with historically appropriate wood entry doors.

25.0272 BB 290 Beacon Street: At front facade repaint masonry trim elements.

25.0382 BB 299 Beacon Street: At front facade and side elevation repoint and repair masonry.

25.0303 BB 307 Beacon Street: At front facade and rear elevation repair fire escapes.

25.0336 BB 520 Beacon Street: Repoint and repair masonry, and replace deteriorated sections of gutter.

25.0372 BB 425 Boylston Street: At front facade replace deteriorated pavers in-kind.

25.0329 BB 647 Boylston Street: At front facade reset loose pavers.

25.0319 BB 665 Boylston Street: At front facade replace entry doors in-kind.

25.0368 BB 777 Boylston Street: At front facade install additional entry door to tenant space.

25.0335 BB 21 Commonwealth Avenue: At roof replace deteriorated deck boards at existing deck in-kind.

25.0288 BB 124 Commonwealth Avenue: At front garden replace dead Laburnum tree with same species tree.

25.0295 BB 167 Commonwealth Avenue: At roof repair rubber membrane roof; and at front facade repoint masonry.

25.0340 BB 280 Commonwealth Avenue: At rear elevation replace gutter and downspout in-kind.

25.0316 BB 244 Marlborough Street: At front facade repair masonry.

25.0365 BB 378 & 380 Marlborough Street: At front facade relocate existing garden fence.

25.0371 BB 11 Newbury  Street: At front facade install awnings at second-story windows.

25.0345 BB 38-44 Newbury  Street: At front facade install signage at transoms.

25.0381 BB 121 Newbury  Street: Repoint and repair masonry, repair front entry steps, and install brick pavers front entry walkway.

25.0359 BB 125 Newbury  Street: At front facade and rear elevation repair existing fire escape.

25.0351 BB 123 Newbury  Street: At front facade replace entry door hardware and install window awnings.

25.0357 BB 127-129A Newbury  Street: At front facade and rear elevation repair existing fire escape.

25.0375 BB 227 Newbury  Street: At front facade expand and reconfigure lower-level dig-out area and relocate lower-level entry door.

25.0354 BB 299 Newbury  Street: At rear elevation repair existing fire escape.

Ratification of 10-9-2024 Public Hearing Minutes

Staff Updates

Projected Adjournment – 6:00pm

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