By Phineas J. Stone As Memorial Day approaches, I am often confronted by the faces of the young men who went away to war and never returned. I can put myself in their shoes certainly. Their faces are so fresh…
Category: Editorials
We Need to Rethink Language Immersion in Schools
By Senator Sal DiDomenico One of the most important priorities for our Commonwealth’s schools is to ensure that our students have the tools to succeed – both academically and vocationally – in today’s rapidly globalizing economy. And yet, far too…
Enjoy the Weekend — Safely
We saw a statistic the other day that seemed baffling: The death toll on our nation’s roads and highways once again is on the rise. Last year, there were 38,000 highway fatalities in America. That’s about 100 Americans killed every…
Let’s Remember the True Meaning of Memorial Day
Memorial Day, our most solemn national holiday, will take place this weekend. It is symptomatic of our national culture that for most Americans, the true meaning of Memorial Day has long been lost amidst the excesses of our materialistic society.…
Letter to the Editor
Takes issue with proposed construction on Marlborough Street Dear Editor: 362 Marlborough proposes: construction of a one-story rear yard brick addition with a garage door, pedestrian door and roof-top deck, which would require destruction of portions of historic façade and…
And Speaking of Greenery,Tree Locations Being Sought
Just a few weeks ago we were still in the throes of winter with bare trees; but today with the leaves of many tress coming out, the sight makes one realize how lucky we are to have so many mature…
Beacon Hill Garden Club Tour
Today’s weather makes you feel like just being outdoors as the 87th Annual Beacon Hill Garden Tour begins. This is a real opportunity for residents to visit these unique green spots in an inner city neighborhood where homeowners do an…
Downtown View:Chain Store Sorrows
By Karen Cord Taylor Local businesses or chain stores. Which is best for Boston neighborhoods and such shopping attractions as Faneuil Hall Marketplace? The tension has resurfaced recently with a local merchant at Faneuil Hall threatened with eviction, two San…
Thank You to the Volunteers
Last Saturday was the last weekend for Mayor Martin Walsh’s Boton Shines campaign. Over the last three weekends various neighborhoods including Back Bay, South End, Kenmore and Fenway had took brooms and rubbish bags to the streets to clean-up winter’s…
Downtown View:Ducklings Then and Now
By Karen Cord Taylor Duckling Day is coming up. On Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8, starting at 10 a.m., the Harvard Marching Band will lead hundreds of parents and children dressed like ducklings from the Boston Common’s Parkman Bandstand into…