Category: Editorials

Letter to the Editor

Getting the facts straight about urban renewal Dear Editor: In last week’s article “Community Leaders Express Outrage at BRA’s 6-year Extension of Powers,” the Beacon Hill Times showed an incredible lack of sound judgment in its reporting of the Boston…

Speed Racing

Trying to catch drag racers as they zoom along Beacon Street at exactly the right moment is almost impossible unless you have a police car permanently stationed there 24/7 hours. Although there would be some public safety benefit, admittedly it…

Downtown View:Heroic

By Karen Cord Taylor Mayor John Hynes was elected in 1949, John Collins in 1960. Collins brought in Ed Logue as the director of the Boston Redevelopment Authority, established in 1957. These men faced a problem. Boston was in trouble.…

Boston Strong

That is the slogan, a rallying cry, that came out of the senseless bombings of the Boston Marathon in 2013.  While the culprits and their associates are either dead or in jail, their actions still live on for the familes…

The Final Report

For more than 25 years, the Federal courts have been monitoring the quality and necessary cleanup of Boston Harbor as submitted by the Massachusetts Water Resource Authority.  The final report as ordered by the courts was submitted March 18, 2016.…

Happy Easter

It’s hard to believe that another Easter already is upon us. Not only does Easter come early this year, but Monday’s snowstorm hardly seemed Easter-like. But regardless of what Mother Nature has in store for us, Good Friday and Easter…

Worth A Try

For years, plans to change the brick wasteland that is City Hall Plaza into a more vibrant part of the city life has been bandied about by city officials. Officials have even tried to move events from the over used…