Heading into the final week of the NFL season, the Patriots were in prime position to claim the #1 draft pick, which held the promise of trading that pick to a team that needs a quarterback in return for a…
Category: Editorials
Merry Christmas
This is the most wonderful time of the year, to paraphrase the popular song, with holiday music playing in the malls and on our car radios, resurrecting our earliest childhood memories of Christmases-past. We choose just the right tree, decorate…
Happy Hanukkah
The eight-day observance of Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, starts this Wednesday evening, December 25, and will culminate on Thursday, January 2. Hanukkah is observed for eight nights and days by lighting the candles of the Menorah,…
Enjoy the holidays safely
The upcoming holiday week means that most of us will be partaking in traditional gatherings with our families, friends, and co-workers to share the joy of the holiday season. Unfortunately, this also means that many among us will be overindulging…
Christmas is fast approaching, but there’s still time to help those in need
It’s hard to believe that Christmas is just a week away. We realize that the compressed holiday shopping season has put even more pressure than usual on all of us, but we hope that all of our readers can find…
The Battle of the Bulge started 80 years ago this week
It was 80 years ago this week that the final big battle of WWII in Western Europe — the Battle of the Bulge — got underway. In brief, the Battle of the Bulge marked a last-ditch counter-offensive by the German…
Guest Op-Ed: Home at Last
By Alison Barnet I recently became interested in the Home for Little Wanderers, the oldest child welfare organization in the US. According to a 1899 directory, “It receives children over age 2 of any race or creed, legally given up,…
Domestic Violence: The Scourge Without End
When we heard the news last Friday morning that a 32 year-old woman had been shot and killed in broad daylight on a busy Chelsea street, the first thought that immediately crossed our mind was: The husband or boyfriend did…
Another Dictator Bites The Dust
The demise of the dictatorship in Syria this weekend that brought to an end 50 years of brutal rule by the Assad family — Bashir al-Assad had succeeded his father, Hafez al-Assad — was startling to most observers. The Assad…
Remember the Needy on Your Shopping List
Americans already have been spending a record amount of money thus far this holiday season, spurred on by the extended “Black Friday” (we are using air quotes because Black Friday sales began in early November), Small Business Saturday, and Cyber…