Category: Editorials

Spring Has Sprung….

Although our winter season was a mild one, both in terms of cold and snow, giving us hopes for an early arrival of spring, our optimism proved illusory thanks to a near record-setting chilly and wet month of March that…

Happy Easter

It’s hard to believe that another Easter already is upon us. Good Friday and Easter Sunday will be here this week, and those of the Christian faith will begin the observance of the holiest days of their religion upon which…

Happy Passover

We want to wish our friends in the Jewish community a Happy Passover or Happy “Pesach” as this important holiday is known in Hebrew. The holiday begins with a special Passover dinner known as a Seder when the story is…

How Low Can They Go?

The political goings-on in Washington these past few weeks truly have been unprecedented within the lifetime of anyone alive today. The budget outline submitted by President Trump a few weeks ago, followed by the failed attempt to take away health…