A massive, old and rare American Elm Tree on the alley behind Upton Street is the focus of a rigorous fundraising campaign by the Union Park Neighborhood Association in the South End to save the 150-year old giant. Most American…
Category: Uncategorized
Boston 2018 Fireworks – July 2nd, 3rd and 4th: Road Closures and Other Traffic Information
The following vehicular and pedestrian traffic restrictions that will be in place for Boston’s July 4th celebration. All roadways will remain closed (unless noted otherwise) until the Department of Conservation and Recreation has an opportunity to clean the roadways. As…
Kicking Off Boston Design Week at Room & Board
Boston Design Week kicked off on Wednesday, April 4, with several events around the region, and a major panel discussion at Room & Board in the Back Bay. Panelists for “Building Buzz with Boston Tastemakers” were (L-R) Ricardo Rodriguez (moderator),…
Tremont Street staples close, making way for Japanese concept Art
The last Tremont Taco Tuesday has digested. After nearly 20 years on the corner of Tremont and West Brookline, Chef/owner Andy Husbands has closed up his neighborhood-friendly and fun restaurant duo of Tremont 647 and Sister Sorel to focus on…
Developers behind Haddon Hall switch gears, pursing residences instead of club
Hexagon Properties announced on Friday, Jan. 5, that they would no longer be pursuing a private club at 29 Commonwealth Ave. The team will soon be presenting plans for luxury residences at the location and will also be pursuing a…
Cathedral students makes headlines as Walsh campaign staffer
Thinking fondly of one’s first job, for most there are likely memories of scooping ice cream, stocking grocery shelves, taking fast food orders or filing paperwork in an office. But not for Skyler DeJesus of Cathedral High in the South…
City of Boston Traffic Advisory
Pride Parade, Bunker Hill Day Parade and other events will impact traffic and parking Special events taking place from Thursday, June 8, through Sunday, June 11, 2017, will impact traffic and parking in the City of Boston. Those attending the…
Business Breakfast Looks to Connect Small Businesses to Resources
In an effort to continue the momentum of helping small businesses in the South End compete and remain in the neighborhood, the Washington Gateway Main Street (WGMS) will host an innovative South End/Lower Roxbury Business Breakfast on Monday, April 24,…
Hard Times on Newbury St.
City Councilor Sal LaMattina will not seek reelection
After a stellar 30-year career with the City of Boston, eleven of which was spent as the District 1 City Councilor, Sal LaMattinatold the East Boston Times Tuesday that he will not seek re-election during the municipal election in September. …