From the March 7 Tree Removal Hearing, 1010 Mass. Ave., 11:30 a.m.:
• Request to remove 12 public shade trees in the Fenway/Kenmore area:
The request is for the removal of the following 12 trees in the vicinity of Kenmore Square due to redesign of the streetscape as part of a retail and office redevelopment project: one London plane tree measuring 6” dbh (diameter at breast height) located at 648 Beacon Street; one honey locust tree measuring 7” dbh located at 650 Beacon Street; one honey locust tree measuring 6” dbh located at 652 Beacon Street; four red maple trees measuring 4” dbh each located at 660 Beacon Street; two London plane trees measuring 3” dbh each located at 533 Commonwealth Avenue; one London plane tree measuring 8” dbh located at 535 Commonwealth Avenue; one sweet gum tree measuring 9” dbh located at 541 Commonwealth Avenue; and one sweet gum tree measuring 10” dbh located at 19 Deerfield Street.
Public testimony will be taken at the hearing, or may be provided prior to the hearing in writing to the Tree Warden, Boston Parks and Recreation Department, 1010 Massachusetts Avenue, 3rdfloor, Boston, MA 02118, or by emailing [email protected] with “Fenway/Kenmore Tree Hearing” in the subject line. A final decision regarding the request will be made within two weeks of the hearing. For further information, please contact the Tree Warden at 617-635-7275.
Community Meeting for Proposed Bay Village Marijuana Establishment (129-133 Columbus Ave. – old Flash’s location):
There will be a community outreach meeting for a proposed marijuana establishment on March 7 at 6:30 p.m. in Boston Park Plaza, 50 Park Plaza.
From the March 7 License Board One-Day Amendment hearing, 10 a.m., City Hall:
•Who’s on First inc, d/b/a The Bullpen Kitchen + Tap 19-23 Jersey St. Fenway have applied for and extension of licensed premise to include a portion of the privately owned alley to the rear of establishment, 4 hours before start time until 2 hours after the event conclusion at Fenway but no later than 11 p.m. on home Red Sox games and events at Fenway Park.
Boston School Committee FY20 Budget Hearing
The Boston School Committee will hold an FY20 Budget Hearing on March 7 at 6 p.m.
•Review of Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Budget Proposal with Focus on Central Budgets
From the March 12 Licensed Premise Violations hearing, City Hall, 10 a.m.:
•The Boston Leco Corp., 71 79 Warrenton St., South End.
Date: 12/24/2018, Call from management for patron down outside 275 Tremont St. The victim was found on sidewalk with head injury from hitting head on sidewalk. Victim said he was a patron of Candibar and he was punched by unknown patron while leaving the club. Other patrons stated the victim fell on his own hit his head. Management cooperative.
City Council Committee on Public Safety and Criminal Justice Hearing:
A hearing on March 12, 3 p.m. in City Hall, to discuss the possibility of creating a traffic enforcement unit within the Boston Police Department, and exploring the pros and cons of installing traffic enforcement cameras. The Chair of the Committee is Councilor Tim McCarthy, and the Sponsor is Councilor Andrea Campbell.
From the March 12 Bay Village Historic District Commission, City Hall, 4 p.m.:
Design Review
•100 Broadway (aka 100 Charles Street South): Redesign window fenestration, replace entry doors and install gates, and install entrance canopy.
Administrative Review/Approval
•41 Melrose Street: Replace slate roof in-kind
From the March 13 Back Bay Architectural Commission meeting, City Hall, 4:30 p.m.:
Violations Committee – 4:30 p.m.
•205 Newbury St.: Unapproved umbrellas at lower level patio.
•130 Newbury St.: Unapproved neon lighting at lower level retail space windows.
•244 Newbury St.: Unapproved umbrellas attached to railing.
•335 Newbury St.: Unapproved electronic window signage.
Design Review – 5 p.m.
•DAS Node Installation – Eight Back Bay Locations: Replace seven single-acorn street lights and one double-acorn street lights with double-acorn street lights with antenna and elevated base for related communications equipment. Specific locations include: 699 Boylston Street; 48 Commonwealth Avenue; 65 Commonwealth Avenue; 306 Dartmouth Street; 192 Commonwealth Avenue; 239 Commonwealth Avenue; 280 Commonwealth Avenue; and 311 Commonwealth Avenue.
•163 Newbury St.: At roof install mechanical equipment and safety guardrail.
•67 Newbury St.: Install metal sign to existing wrought iron railing that will extend eight (8”) inches above railing.
•97-101 Newbury St.: Installation of two exhibit signs in front garden as part of a proposed Signage Master Plan.
•348 Newbury St.: At front façade install two blade signs, two awnings at first-story windows, and install entrance canopy with signage above.
•12-14 Commonwealth Ave.: At roof install standing-seam metal siding at existing elevator head houses, remove access ladder and platform, and replace access door and access panels in-kind; at rear and side elevations replace all windows with one-over-one aluminum-clad windows; at light wells replace all windows with one-over-one aluminum-clad windows and install thirty-two wall vents.
•142 Beacon St.: At rear elevation reduce width of previously approved first floor bay and roof deck.
•28 Commonwealth Ave.: At roof install roof deck and access hatch, and relocate condenser units.
•15 Arlington St.: At Newbury Street elevation paint and clean marquee and remove signage valance, remove wall siagnage and restore masonry, replace revolving door with automatic doors replace sloped sidewalk with raised plaza with ramp, replace curved storefront with square storefront, replace entry door and transom with new entry door, and install new lighting and window awnings; at Arlington Street façade restore marquee, revolving doors and masonry, install new lighting and window awnings, replace and relocate planters, at Commonwealth Building replace entrance canopy with awning, install window awnings, remove signage and restore masonry, and add planters; at Public Alley 437 clean wall surfaces, re-paint ceiling, remove door and infill with brick, replace signage, add exhaust vent, clean and replace exhaust grills, relocate recycling bins into combination unit; and at roof replace existing rooftop enclosure and HVAC equipment.