News Boston Books & French Fashion by The Boston Sun Staff • April 12, 2019 • 0 Comments French Cultural Center Fashion Show: A Case of Contrasts : On April 4 at the Tenants Development Corporation, residents and attendees got to meet local authors and discuss their works, as well as their history with the South End. On the right, Carilyn Crockett, author of ‘People Before Highways,’ speaks to the gathering on how neighborhoods banded together to stop the I-95 Innerbelt project that would’ve destroyed many communities, including the South End.’ Lynne Potts with her book ‘A Block In Time. French Cultural Center Fashion Show: A Case of Contrasts : The French Cultural Center partnered with December Thieves boutique of Beacon Hill to host a clair-obscur-themed fashion show at the center on Friday, April 6. The fashion show was curated by Lana Barakat, owner of December Thieves, featuring seven emerging designers, including Boston-designer Christian Restrepo. Clair-obscur is an artistic term meaning the contrast of light and dark.