Coronavirus Update: Due to public health concerns, the hearings that nor-mally would be held on a week have been postponed or canceled due to the guidance of Mayor Martin Walsh and the order of Gov. Charlie Baker. Some meetings, however, have been moved to an online or teleconference format under the emergency order on the Open Meeting Law issued by Gov. Baker.
From the Sept. 9 Boston Cannabis Board meeting, 1 p.m., via Zoom:
•New Dia LLC – Has applied for a Recreational Cannabis Retail Dispensary Li-cense to be exercised at 48-62 Brookline Avenue in the Fenway. The applicant is an equity applicant. Applicant Contact: Dennis Quilty & Ross Bradshaw.
From the Sept. 15 Licensed Premise Violations hearing, 10 a.m., online:
•CONCORDE ENTERTAINMENT, INC. , D/B/A: BILL’S BAR/THE LANSDOWNE PUB, Location: 9 LANSDOWNE St., Fenway. 10/26/2019 Patron on patron assault and battery.
•BASEBALL TAVERN, INC. , D/B/A: BASEBALL TAVERN, Location: 1270 BOYLSTON St., Fenway. 11/17/2019 – Assault and battery staff on pa-tron.
•BASEBALL TAVERN, INC. , D/B/A: BASEBALL TAVERN, Location: 1270 BOYLSTON St., Fenway. 11/16/2019 – Indecent assault and battery staff on patron.
From the Sept. 16 Air Pollution Control Commission meeting, 11:30 a.m. online via Zoom (HTTPS://ZOOM.US/J/6864582044):
•Application for a New Downtown Boston Parking Freeze Permit
from The Druker Company Ltd on behalf of Arlington-Boylston Realty Trust for 150 exempt parking spaces located at 350 Boylston St. This permit is for the construction of an underground parking garage with spaces to be shared with lessees, employees, patrons, customers, clients, and guests of the project. Issuance of the permit would have no effect on the Downtown parking freeze bank.
From the Sept. 16 St. Botolph Architectural Commission meeting, 5:15 p.m., online via Zoom (HTTPS://US02WEB.ZOOM.US/J/81380497241):
Design Review
•70 St. Botolph St.: Replace windows, re-point the façade and make changes to commercial level. Install mechanical screening.
Administrative Review
•3 DURHAM STREET: At front façade, replace two wood basement level lower wood sills in kind. At front and side façade, spot repoint brick. Replace brick foundation wall at ride side of garden in kind, reset and repoint existing granite curb at front façade.
•5 DURHAM STREET: At front façade, replace three, 1 over 1 aluminum win-dows in kind.
•45 ST BOTOLPH STREET: Replace Four, 1 over 1 aluminum windows in kind at garden level.
COMMITTEE ON CITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES WORKING SESSION, Sept. 17, 10 a.m.: Order for a hearing regarding the City of Boston purchasing liquor licenses. The Chair of the Committee is Councilor Flynn and the Sponsor is Councilor Edwards.
From the Sept. 17 Zoning Advisory Board, 1010 Mass Ave., or online, 5 p.m.:
•283 Dartmouth St., South End. Applicant: IContour Anti-Aging Center. Pur-pose: Change occupancy to include Body Art/Permanent Cosmetics. No con-struction required.
Citizenship Fees to Increase
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is making signif-icant changes to the naturalization application. Starting October 2, it is raising the cost of application from $725 to $1,200 and eliminating the fee waiver for most low-income residents. USCIS is also increasing the permanent residence (green card) application fee and implementing an asylum application fee, mak-ing the United States one of four countries to do so. The City of Boston and the Mayor’s Office for Immigrant Advancement (MOIA) are encouraging eligible Boston immigrants to apply for citizenship before the October 2 fee increases. They can contact Project Citizenship at 617-694-5949 for free, high quality legal help with their application.
Free BPS Breakfast in South End/Fenway
Students who wish to get a free breakfast Monday through Friday, 8:30 to 11:30 am., have three sites to choose from in the South End and Fenway. This is the BPS initiative, but other organizations are also serving meals in the area as well.
•Blackstone Elementary School – 380 Shawmut Ave. (South End).
•Boston Chinese Evangelical Church, 120 Shawmut Ave. (Monday, Weds., and Friday only – South End).
•Boston Latin School – 78 Avenue Louis Pasteur (Fenway).
Reporting Workplace Safety Concerns
•Workers in any size organization have options if they feel they are being pres-sured into an unsafe situation. Attorney General Maura Healey has created re-sources for workers to report safety concerns during reopening. They include an online form at the Attorney General’s website and a dedicated Fair Labor hotline at 617-727-3465. People can also find those resources by calling 311.
How to Report a Problem Property
Since taking office in 2014, Mayor Walsh has made fixing quality of life issues a priority in his administration. From investing in Public Works to making sure community policing is a staple in every neighborhood, we are making sure every neighborhood is clean, safe and a great place to live and work in. Unfortunately some properties in Boston need more help than others, and that’s why we are here. If you know of a property that fits one of the following criteria: multiple calls to 911, one that’s blighted or just a general concern, we encourage you to reach out to your neighborhood liaison.