Hosted by Humanity First Collective and Income Movement, the Boston Rally for Basic Income will commence at noon on the historic Boston Common on Sept. 19.
Massachusetts leaders from social justice organizations, thought leaders in universal basic income (UBI), elected officials, congressional candidates and religious leaders will be among those joining supporters to demand economic justice for the millions left behind in today’s economy.
The Basic Income March, led globally by the Income Movement, is a non-partisan, people-powered movement demanding that the economy evolve to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Thirty-eight marches and rallies, with more being planned, have been announced. This will be the first ever rally organized in Boston to join other metropolitan cities around the world as part of this annual event. “2020 has brought a lot of changes and it’s just the start. It is long overdue that we provide people with the resources they need to survive, resources we have, so they can tackle our biggest issues: our climate crisis, our public health, the explosion in technology, all of which we are seeing the effects of right here in Massachusetts. Poverty is excluding many great workers and thinkers from joining in on moving humanity forward.” said Lewis Black III, the rally’s planning committee chair and Volunteer Lead with Humanity First Collective. The Boston Rally for Basic Income will be peaceful with all pandemic guidelines observed, such as physical distancing and masks required, while calling for universal basic income.
Through citizen engagement and activism, the global Basic Income March is changing the conversation around UBI and its viability as a core solution to end poverty. From a single mother’s story of escaping a financially abusive relationship, welfare creating barriers for a local resident to escape poverty, and how UBI can create a new era of political freedom and activism, speakers will highlight personal stories and community perspectives on why Basic Income is critical. Prominent elected officials and political candidates will also be speaking and in attendance, including State Senator Jamie Eldridge, Cambridge City Councilor Quinton Zonervan, and others. The event lineup will conclude with a call to action and a people’s demand for the support of Massachusetts leadership to adopt and pass a universal basic income as a means to a healthier, more innovative, and just society. The Boston Rally for Basic Income will demonstrate the immediate need for basic income in Massachusetts and nationwide.