Month: October 2021
A Marathon Tradition: ‘Blessing of the Athletes’ Resumes at Old South Church
One day ahead of the 125th Boston Marathon came the return of the traditional “The Blessing of the Athletes” at Old South Church on Sunday, Oct. 10. The church has saluted the athletes participating in the footrace by inviting them…
UPNA Discusses Solutions for Ongoing Rat Problem
Union Park Neighborhood Association (UPNA) is on a mission to remove rats from the area. After forming a Rodent Remediation Committee, which worked together to do a walkthrough of the Union Park area and research different ways to address the…
South End Artist Finding New Ways to Bring Awareness to Museum of Science’s Proposed Leonard Nimoy Memorial
Since the Museum of Science’s plans to honor Leonard Nimoy, the West End native who went on to portray Mr. Spock on “Star Trek,” with a memorial were announced in March, the project’s $1 million fundraising goal has raised less…
News Briefs
Peters Park Beautification Day Set for Oct. 16 Join your neighbors and friends for Peters Park Beautification Day on Saturday, Oct 16, from 9 a.m. to noon at Peters Park on the path between baseball field and basketball field. (The…
Public Meeting Held Regarding Solutions for Public Health Crisis at Mass and Cass
The South End Forum Working Group on Addiction, Recovery & Homelessness held a public meeting on October 12 to discuss the work that the Mass and Cass Task Force has done recently, as well as talk about ideas and comments…
BVHDC Wants More Info About Rooftop Addition Proposed for 95-97 Broadway
The Bay Village Historic District Commission (BVHDC) met virtually on October 12 to hear an advisory review for an addition on top of the existing two story building at 95-97 Broadway. Meichi Peng of Meichi Peg Design Studio and her…
City to Celebrate Dia De Muertos in Copley Sq. Public Invited to Participate in Fourth Annual Day of the Dead Altar and Event
Mayor Kim Janey and Alberto Fierro, Consul General of Mexico in Boston, on October 13 announced an online citywide photo collection process of departed loved ones in preparation for Boston’s fourth annual Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebration.…
La Ciudad De Boston Celebra El Día De Muertos: Se Invita Al Público a Participar En El Cuarto Altar Anual Del Día De Los Muertos De Boston
La alcaldesa de Boston, Kim Janey y el Cónsul General de México en Boston, Alberto Fierro, anunciaron el inicio del proceso para la recopilación de fotografías de familiares y amigos en preparación a la cuarta conmemoración del Día de Muertos…
A Reimagined Virtual Evening for Storybook Ball
MassGeneral Hospital for Children (MGHfC) celebrates the 22nd anniversary of Storybook Ball with a reimagined virtual evening on Thursday, October 21, at 7:00 p.m. Led by Co-Chairs Fiona and James Benenson of Brookline and Rachel and Bill Motley of Dover,…