The commission will hold its next public hearing virtually on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 5pm.
This hearing will be held virtually and not in person. To participate, please go to our Zoom meeting link or call 301-715-8592 and enter meeting ID 931 9698 1611 #. You can also email comments through email at [email protected]
Public testimony begins at 5 p.m.
The agenda is as follows:
Design Review
24.0584 BB 42 Newbury Street: Alter existing storefront and install signage.
24.0756 BB 299-301 Newbury Street: At front façade remove a portion of fencing at dig out area at 301 Newbury Street; and at rear elevation replace existing fire escape with redesigned fire escape.
24.0760 BB 310 Beacon Street: At rear garage repair and repoint masonry, replace and install new light fixtures, replace rubber membrane roof and wood deck boards in-kind; refinish existing railings and install season shade structure.
Administrative Review/Approval
24.0776 BB 142 Beacon Street: At front façade repair masonry and wood window trim.
22.0525 BB 464 Beacon Street: Extend approval of application 22.0525 BB to expire on 3-23-2025. The proposed work includes: at front façade replacing front garden curb with a new cast stone curb and a new wrought iron fence; at the roof extending the existing penthouse forward to align with adjacent properties with a deck at the front facade similar to adjacent properties, cladding both the new extension and the exposed existing penthouse in standing seam copper; and at the rear elevation enlarging the existing garage, introducing two new doors where windows are currently at the rear elevation, and constructing a roof deck on top of the garage with a raised walkway connecting the main building to the deck above the garage structure.
24.0749 BB 303 Berkeley Street: Repair masonry and brick paving, replace deteriorated copper elements in-kind, repaint wood elements, and repair slate roof.
24.0720 BB 23 Commonwealth Avenue: At rear elevation replace deteriorated wood elements at existing deck in-kind.
24.0712 BB 68 Commonwealth Avenue: At front façade replace existing intercom.
24.0732 BB 151 Commonwealth Avenue: At front façade repaint existing fire balconies.
23.0899 BB 285 Commonwealth Avenue: Extend approval of application 23.0899 BB to expire on 5-17-2025. The Proposed work includes: at roof replacing deck, re-cladding the existing headhouse, and installing lighting, built-in furniture and planters.
24.0757 BB 305 Commonwealth Avenue: At front façade repoint and repair masonry, replace deteriorated copper elements in-kind, and repaint fencing and grates.
24.0543 BB 377 Commonwealth Avenue: At rear elevation twelve one-over-one windows with wood one-over-one wood windows.
24.0714 BB 282 Marlborough Street: At side elevation repair existing fire escape.
24.0724 BB 435 Marlborough Street: At roof replace black rubber membrane roof in-kind.
24.0725 BB 2 Newbury Street: At front façade and side elevation install new signage at first-story retail space.
24.0706 BB 110 Newbury Street: At front façade install new signage at first-story retail space.
24.0753 BB 115 Newbury Street: At side elevation rebuild existing brick retaining wall.
24.0759 BB 118 Newbury Street: At front façade install new signage at first-story retail space.
24.0443 BB 350 Newbury Street: At front façade replacement of non-historic balustrade.
Ratification of 2-14-2024 Public Hearing Minutes
Staff Updates
Projected Adjournment – 6:15pm