The Fenway Community Development Corporation (CDC) brought it back to 1973, the year the non-profit organization began, during the 45th annual meeting and celebration. Members dressed in costume as they commemorated the success and accomplishments of the non-profit throughout the…
Author: Beth Treffeisen
BBAC Denies New Bike Racks
As biking becomes a bigger source of transportation across the City of Boston, the Boston Transportation Department (BTD) is trying to make it a little easier for bicyclers to store their bikes while out and about. But at a Back…
Councilor Looks at Fees to Tackle Vacant Storefronts and Apartments
Plaguing the commercial and residential districts throughout the city, empty storefronts and vacant apartments are making it seem that Boston is experiencing market failure, despite the strong economy, real estate values and low unemployment rate. In an effort to reverse…
BAC in Hot Water with Residents after Neglecting to Hold Vote on Landwave
Located in Peters Park along Washington Street in the South End, the Landwave, a public sculpture made up of weaving, back-and-forth, blue-green glass tiles and grassed-over land has been a point of contention with residents and the Boston Arts Commission…
WGMS and SEBA Work Together to Further Each Other’s Mission
Two very different organizations in the South End, the Washington Gateway Main Street (WGMS) and the South End Business Alliance (SEBA) have one goal in common – and that’s to make businesses in the South End thrive. But, how they…
New Board, New President Coming to the ACNA
The Audubon Circle Neighborhood Association (ACNA) will be shacking up with new board members and a new president coming soon. The board was elected at the ACNA annual meeting on Thursday, March 29, at Ruggles Baptist Church. The new president…
Residents Look for Funds to Update Bay Village Park
After years of wear and tear at the Bay Village Park at the corners of Charles Street South, Melrose and Fayette streets, residents are looking for a source of funding to spruce up this hidden gem in the heart of…
Residents Concerned Over Initial Plans of the Proposed Kenmore Square Hotels
The building boom in the city has touched every corner of Boston, but Kenmore Square, which has largely been left out is now seeing plans for two new hotels that will transform the area. The Boston Planning and Development Agency…
Marlboro Market Has New Ownership after 45 Years
Known for always having the basic essentials from beer to subs, this corner store located at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Marlborough Street is about to enter a new chapter in its long life in the neighborhood. Established in…
MGCC Celebrates the Success of The Urban Hound
A local institution for the dogs in the South End, The Urban Hound, a premier boutique dog hotel, daycare, training facility and spa, celebrated its most recent success after years of setbacks. The pet hotel is a woman-owned small business…