Boston I-90W Clarendon Street On-Ramp Permanently Closing
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has announced that the on-ramp which carries vehicles from Clarendon Street onto I-90 westbound in Boston will be permanently closed effective September 3, 2019. There will be no impacts to the I-90 mainline as a result of this on-ramp closure. This closure is being implement-ed following approval from the Federal Highway Administration and due to concerns over safety and effective travel at this location. There are low traffic volumes at this location, as the on-ramp is utilized by approximately 75% less vehicles per hour than nearby on-ramps at Arlington Street and Dartmouth Street. Members of the public should note that the Dartmouth Street and Arlington Street on-ramps onto I-90 west-bound will remain open. These on-ramps are each located within approximately ½ mile of the Clarendon Street on-ramp.MassDOT has had informal conversations with com-munity leaders and municipal officials regarding the future closure of this on-ramp for more than one year. The department is currently carrying out a comprehensive out-reach process in order to notify members of the public, motorists, residents, and busi-nesses of this impact. A public meeting will be held on August 27 in Boston on this topic and the scheduling details are as follows:
6 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 27
Central Library in Copley Square
700 Boylston Street, Back Bay.
Back Bay Happenings
• There will be no NABB Green Committee meetings in August.
• Newbury Street will be closed to traffic and become a pedestrian-only walkway from Arlington Street to Massachusetts Avenue on August 25 and September 15 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. for Open Newbury Street.
• Boston Common Master Plan Online Survey:
As “America’s First Public Park” and an oasis in downtown Boston, Boston Common is one of the most treasured green spaces in the world. The goal of the Master Plan is to create a Common that will serve the people of Boston and visitors alike while protect-ing this special place for decades to come. Overall, we envision an atmosphere of civic access and engagement with a profound sense of identity and a deep-rooted connec-tion to this vibrant city. The online survey can be found at
Screening of Glory on the Boston Common: Join us for special FREE screenings of the Academy Award-winning film Glory. As a part of the Shaw 54th Memorial Restoration programming, the Partners are excited to host an outdoor screening of the classic film on the Parade Ground and at the Bright Screening Room @ Emerson College.
Glory on Boston Common
Monday, Sept. 9, 2019, 7:30 p.m.
Parade Ground, Boston Common
This is a free event
Glory at Emerson College
Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2019
6:30 p.m.
Bright Screening Room, Emerson College
559 Washington Street, Boston MA 02110
This is a free event
•Boston Common Park Presence Day: On Friday, September 6 from 4:30-8:30pm, come talk to us on the Boston Common! Learn more about the master planning effort, provide feedback on the park today, and share ideas for the future.
South End Dates
•SoWa First Friday
The artists of SoWa Artists Guild invite you to visit SoWa First Friday, free and open to the public! More than 80 artists’ studios at 450 Harrison Avenue in the SoWa Art + Design District in the South End of Boston will be open from 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM. You’ll meet artists and experience a wide variety of original contemporary art that is available for you to browse and buy. MBTA Orange line to New England Medical Center, then Silver line outbound to Union Park Street. Parking is availa-ble. For more information, please visit and
•The East Berkeley Neighborhood Association (EBNA) has ended its spring meetings. The EBNA has changed its meeting time for the fall, now meeting on the first Tuesday of the month instead of the third Tuesday. They will meet next on Sept. 3.
Fenway Times
•The Boston Planning and Development Agency last week approved the plans for the Fenway Theater Project. “Thank you to all neighbors, organizations and government officials who participated and provided thoughtful and valuable feedback and ideas, and helped make our proposed project even better,” the Red Sox said in a community email. “FSG Real Estate hopes to begin construc-tion after the baseball season ends this fall and we’ll provide updates in ad-vance. As always, please feel free to reach out to us with any questions.” Bm
•The Fenway Victory Gardens annual FensFest will take place on Saturday, September 7 from 11:00am-3:00pm at Central Meadow, 1200 Boylston St.There will be barbecue food, games, live music, and a raffle. There will also be a “White Elephant” sale at the event, in which household items, garden ex-tras, books, etc. can be sold and all proceeds will be donated to the Fenway Garden Society. Visit for more details.