From the Nov. 12 Boston Groundwater Trust, Lenox Hotel, 710 Boylston St., 4 p.m.:
•Presentation by Giuliana Zelada-Tumialan and Steven Keppel of Simpson, Gumphertz and Heger on the relationship between Wood Piles and Sea Level Rise.
•2020 Meeting Dates.
•Adoption of Minutes from September 5th Meeting – VOTE REQUIRED.
•Financial Report and New Treasurer.
•Update on proposed changes to Article 32 (Groundwater Conservation Overlay District) zoning.
•Executive Director’s Report.
From the Nov. 13, noon, Committee on Arts, Culture, and Special Events Hearing.
Order for a hearing regarding improving access to workspace and live-work spaces for artists in the City of Boston. This matter is sponsored by the Councilors Annissa Essaibi-George, Matt O’Malley and Kim Janey and was referred to the Committee on Arts, Culture and Special Events on March 6.
From the Nov. 14 South End Landmarks Sub-Committee, Claremont Park, 8 a.m.:
•11HF Claremont Park: Proposed Work: At the roof level, construct a roof deck visible from a public way.
From the Nov. 14 One-Day License Amendments, City Hall Rm. 804a, 10 a.m.:
•Trillium at Farnsworth, LLC, d/b/a Trillium at Farnsworth, 47 Farnsworth Street, Fenway, has applied for a one day extension of the premise into the courtyard in front of the building for a reception on November 16 between the hours of 1- 9 p.m.
From the 1 p.m. Nov. 14 City Council Committee on Housing and Community Development: City Council hearing to discuss updates on the implementation of the Short Term Rental Ordinance. The Chair of the Committee is Councilor Lydia Edwards. The Sponsors are Councilor Ed Flynn, Lydia Edwards, and Michelle Wu.
From the Nov. 18, 1 p.m., Committee on Planning, Transportation, and Development. Order for a hearing to discuss pedestrian traffic calming. The Chair of the Committee is Councilor Wu and the Sponsor is Councilor Ed Flynn.
From the Nov. 19 Zoning Board of Appeals hearing, City Hall Rm. 801, 9:30 a.m.:
•173-175 Ipswich St., Fenway. Applicant: Christine McMahon (Boston Red Sox)
Purpose: Partial demolition of existing brick building, addition of a 5,300+ seat theater and addition, renovations and improvements to existing Laundry Building at Fenway Park. Existing building uses to be ready for April of 2020.
•31 Worcester St., South End Applicant: Patrick Mahoney, Esq. Purpose: Confirm occupancy as a lodging house and change to a single family home with interior renovations to existing living area. New fire protection system.
•1581-1597 Commonwealth Ave., Fenway. Applicant: Anil Patel
Purpose: Change Use from “2 Restaurants, Stores, Offices, Chinese Hand Laundry, Barber Shop” to “2 Restaurants, Stores, Offices, Chinese Hand Laundry, Barber Shop, and Liquor Store.”
• 66-68 Berkeley St. (Ellis Memorial School) Applicant: Lauren Cook
Purpose: We’d like to add 7 kids to our basement, the existing capacity is 19 and we are seeking to increase to 26, which has ample square feet according to EEC requirements. We would also like to change the ages in our 2nd floor rm. to 0-14 years keeping the same capacity. No work to be done.
•23 Upton St. Applicant: 23 Upton Street LLC. Purpose: Change occupancy from lodging/rooming house to 3 family dwelling units; complete gut renovation with new systems; addition of rear balconies and roof deck; accessory parking at rear for 3 vehicles. Install groundwater recharge system under Art. 32.
•424 Marlborough St., Back Bay. Applicant: John Barry
Purpose: Interior renovations and building code upgrade as per attached plans.
From the Nov. 19, 1 p.m., Committee on Planning, Development, and Transportation. Order for a hearing to discuss transportation network companies operating in Boston.
From the Nov. 20 ISD Flammable Storage/Garage Hearing, 1010 Mass. Ave, 4th Floor, 10 a.m.:
•83-93 East Dedham St. MEPT/LMP Harrison /Albany Block LLC
650 vehicle parking garage 13,000 gallons of gas in the tanks of vehicles
1,500 gallons of fuel in storage tank associated with an emergency generator.
St. Botolph Architectural Commission meeting for Nov. 20 is cancelled.