Duckling Day Celebration Returns on Mother’s Day, May 8
For the first time, the Friends of the Public Garden will cele-brate Duckling Day on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8. please join us for Duckling Day! For the first time in two
Led by the Harvard University Marching Band, the Duckling Day parade will begin in the Boston Common at the Parkman Bandstand and end in the Public Garden near the famous Make Way for Ducklings sculptures.
Prior to the parade will be Playtime on the Common, a vibrant array of family entertainment from 10 a.m. to noon. All activities are included with event admission including: In-teractive Circus Games with Esh Circus Arts; Jenny the Jug-gler; Peter O’Malley, magician; Jump, climb, and play with Knucklebones; Meet the giant Duck; visit with the Harvard University Band; Make Way for Ducklings reading station; and a goody bag for every kid – full of Duckling Day-themed items.
The registration fee is $35 per family group in advance (before May 6) and $40 per family the day of the event.
Visit for tickets or more information.
Mayor’s Neighborhood Coffee Hours
Mayor Wu’s Neighborhood Coffee Hours are a unique opportunity to speak directly with the Mayor and staff from City departments about open space and their neighborhoods. Dunkin’ will be on-site to keep Bostonians runnin’ with freshly brewed and full of flavor Iced Coffee and assorted fan-favorite MUNCHKINS® donut hole treats. In addition, each family in attendance will receive a free flowering plant provided by the Boston Parks and Recreation Department, while supplies last. Dunkin’ will brew up even more event fun with Dunkin’-izedlawn games and gift card giveaways. Residents at each event will be eligible to win a raffle prize from Dunkin’. Fresh fruit will be provided by Star Market. Additional support by City Express.
The Fenway/Kenmore neighborhood coffee hour will take place on May 18 from 9:30-10:30am at Ramler Park–130 Peterborough St.
The Back Bay/Beacon Hill neighborhood coffee hour will take place on May May 25 from 9:30-10:30 am on the Arlington St. section of the Commonwealth Avenue Mall.
The South End neighborhood coffee hour will take place on June 10 from 9:30-10:30am in Peters Park–230 Shawmut Ave.
Boston Summer Eats Call for Meal Sites
The Office of Food Justice is recruiting for Boston Eats sites! The Boston Summer Eats program provides nutritious breakfast and lunch at no cost to youth 18 and under. No ID or registration required. Questions? Contact Karibe Ibeh from the YMCA at [email protected].
2022 Love Your Block Mini-Grants
The recently launched Office of Civic Organizing (formerly the Office of Public Service and Community Outreach) is excited to announce the return of the Love Your Block Mini-Grant program. Residents and community groups can apply for a Love Your Block mini-grant of up to $3,500 for neighborhood beautification projects like cleanups, murals, community garden revitalization, and more. The office encourages any resident with an idea for bettering their neighborhood and bringing their community together to apply. The deadline to apply is June 10, 2022. Apply at
Indoor/Outdoor 2022 Spring Open Studios
Please join the artists of the Fenway Studios at 30 Ipswich Street, Boston, MA 02215 for a springtime weekend celebration on Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1, 11AM – 5PM. Learn more at
80 Alleghany Street Abutters Meeting
There will be a virtual abutters meeting on Monday, May 9 at 6 PM to discuss a zoning application.
Join on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 885 4976 8460
Dial In: +1 646 558 8656
Union Park Neighborhood Association
The UPNA general meeting will be held on Thursday, April 28, 7 PM.
• Sign in here.
• Meeting ID: 892 6517 3669, Passcode: 865989
Herbal Power, LLC Community Meeting Monday, May 16, 6pm
• Join Zoom meeting here.
• Meeting ID: 865 4526 4137
• One tap mobile
• +13017158592, 86545264137# US (Washington DC)
Fenway Cares Food Distribution
Fenway Cares distributes free food boxes every other Wednesday at the following locations:
• West Fenway: Fenway Community Center, 1282 Boylston St. (pickups at Jersey St. entrance).
• East Fenway: Symphony Community Park, 39 Edgerly Rd. (in case of inclement weather pickup is under the breezeway next to Whole Foods and across from Caffe Nero).
Upcoming distribution dates:
• Wednesday, May 11, 25, 3:30PM – 4:30PM
• Wednesday, June 8, 22, 3:30PM – 4:30PM