BACK BAY – KENMORE/FENWAY – SOUTH END POLICE LOG Aug. 8 30 Hemenway St. – Vandalism Beacon Street/Brookline Avenue – Assault Simple – Battery 321 Newbury St. – Larceny – Theft of Bicycle 239 Newbury St. – Assault Simple –…
Month: August 2016
Guns,Guns,and A Few More Guns
By Phineas J. Stone I’m right down the line with the Boston Police. I’m tired of the nonsense, the inflammatory behavior of some of our elected officials and our media. Whether it’s this cartoon situation with the Globe, or discussions…
National Night Out
By Mayor Martin J. Walsh Last Monday and Tuesday night, I visited neighborhoods across Boston, from Hyde Park to Brighton, from Mattapan to East Boston, for “National Night Out” with members of the Boston Police Department and Commissioner William Evans.…
Yes,We Are In A State Of Drought
Many regions in Massachusetts are facing drought or near-drought conditions. According to federal drought authorities, about 62 percent of the state is considered to be under “severe drought” and some areas northwest of Boston are in “extreme drought.” Water restrictions…
Garden Contest Winners
Local winners of the Mayor’s Garden Contest are top photo, a view of Ric Cirace’s of the Back Bay garden from the Charles Esplanade.
Open Newbury Brings New Life To Street
Newbury Street was filled with foot traffic, but no car traffic, for a special Sunday afternoon, Aug. 7, in which the street was shut down for most of the day. Businesses had sales and residents flocked to the street to…
Gas Leaks Continue to Spark Uproar Among Residents
By Beth Treffeisen Underneath the battered Boston streets, miles of gas lines, some more than 100 years old, are spewing out natural gas and causing consequences that often go unnoticed. “One thing is to highlight it to make the indivisible,…
Drought Has Left Its Mark On Street Trees In Boston
By Beth Treffeisen A severe drought has taken over most of Massachusetts, including Boston, where many of the trees that line the sidewalks may need a bit more love. The city of Boston planted 1,424 new trees during the spring,…
Harrison Albany Block Continues To Get Pushback from Neighbors
By Seth Daniel After a lot of noise, the Harrison Albany Block project has now gone into a quieter period, waiting for the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) to issue its Scoping Determination. That doesn’t mean neighbors are any less riled…
Downtown View:When Should A Building be Landmarked?
By Karen Cord Taylor Karen is on a break. This subject continues to be important. Recently the Boston Landmarks Commission voted to study whether this commercial artifact should be given landmark status. For some people, it’s only a sign. Others…