April is Membership Month for the Friends of the Public Garden, the nonprofit organization that has worked in partnership with the City for 48 years to preserve and enhance three historic parks in the heart of the city – the Boston Common, the Public Garden, and the Commonwealth Avenue Mall. “Our members make our work in the parks possible, every day” said Liz Vizza, executive director of the Friends. “We welcome everyone to join us in protecting and caring for these beloved parks.”
“I pinch myself every time I walk to work through the Public Garden,” said Back Bay resident Jennifer Hill, who owns Blackstone’s of Beacon Hill and KitchenWares on Newbury Street with her husband, Jim. “We are so lucky to live in a city with such beautiful parks.” Inspired by Membership Month, the Hills have just joined the Friends, after talking about it for years. “We are very happy to be a part of the organization that takes care of our parks.”
Derek and Liz Taff, who live on Beacon Street overlooking the Common, appreciate the parks for many reasons, but they had extra motivation for joining the Friends. They were inspired by their neighbor Henry Lee, founder and president emeritus. “We enjoy helping the Friends continue Henry’s legacy of protecting our city’s unique, world-class greenspaces,” Liz said. The Taffs use the parks daily, walking to and from work and taking their golden retriever to the off-leash dog areas on the Common. “On any given day, you can walk through the Public Garden and hear several different languages while enjoying gorgeous scenery and a remarkable collection of trees, plants, and statues,” Derek said. This summer, the Taffs will welcome their first child, and they look forward to introducing him to the parks, especially the duckling statues in the Garden.
Anyone who joins the Friends during the Membership Month of April will receive a welcome gift package, with a book on the Public Garden and a Friends cell phone wallet, notepad, and pen.
Memberships start at only $25. Those interested can join online at www.friendsofthepublicgarden.org/join-donate or call 617-723-8144 for a membership form.
For more information about the Friends, visit www.friendsofthepublicgarden.org.