The Bark Place store on Washington Street in the South End has closed after many years, and neighbors in the Worcester Square Area Neighborhood Association (WSANA) said they have heard that a recording studio might go there.
A liquor store/grocery store had been proposed there last year, but that was denied after the proponents didn’t satisfy the community with their proposal. Since then, it has continued to operate as Bark Place.
Many believed it could be a very interesting use as a recording studio for the neighborhood, if the use held true.
The medical marijuana dispensary at 331 Newbury St. is has set a goal of opening by the end of the calendar year.
“Geoff (Reillinger) is doing everything he can and expects to open by the end of the year,” said Spokesperson Doy Joyce.
The facility has to wait until its grow operation in Fitchburg has produced enough marijuana to create the full line of medical marijuana products intended to be sold in the store.
The Boston Landmarks Commission voted on July 24 to accept a master plan for tree management and succession from the Esplanade Association. The Esplanade Association presented a comprehensive look at the Esplanade as a whole, and proposed using landscape architect Arthur Shurcliff’s original plans as a guide for the plan. The plan will show how to manage the Esplanade and keep the concepts of the Shurcliff plan in place, and can be referred to when deciding what species of tree belongs in certain zones and how the trees should be planted. Currently there is no such plan in place. “It’s going to be great when this is all set,” said Commissioner David Berarducci. As the Esplanade Association implements this plan over time, they will come back before the Commission with specific aspects of the plan.
Over the years, truck traffic on both Mass. Avenue and Northampton Street have resulted in complaints of excessive noise and vibration in the Chester Square area of the South End. The neighborhood now has the ear of the City, and the City is asking for specifics on the noise. Anyone disturbed by truck noise is urged to submit details of those concerns to the Chester Square Neighbors. The email address is [email protected].
Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced that applications for the 2018 Neighborhood Slow Streets program are now available. Neighborhoods associations, community groups, faith-based institutions and other organized groups of neighbors are invited to apply to the program.
All completed applications will be evaluated using the same objective criteria. The top-scoring three to five neighborhoods will be selected, and the community process and design of each new zone is expected to be completed by early 2020. Applications must be submitted, or postmarked and mailed, by no later than Friday, Aug. 24, 2018.
Please note that returning applicants only need to supply contact information and signatures from community members, and returning applicants may submit a new map if they choose to make adjustments to their zone.
On Tuesday, July 17, the Boston Ward 4 Democratic Committee met to discuss endorsements.
The Committee voted to endorse the following candidates in contested primaries:
- Governor: Jay Gonzalez
- Secretary of State: Josh Zakim
- Governor’s Council — District 3: Nick Carter
- Suffolk County Register of Deeds: Katie Forde
- Suffolk County District Attorney: Rachael Rollins
- 9th Suffolk State Representative: Jon Santiago
Ward 4 did not come to an endorsement in the lieutenant governor’s race or the Congressional race because neither candidate met the two-thirds threshold.
The committee did vote to endorse the following candidates with uncontested primaries:
- Sen. Elizabeth Warren
- AG Maura Healey
- Treasurer Deb Goldberg
- Auditor Suzanne Bump
- State Sens. Will Brownsberger and Sonia Chang-Diaz
- State Reps. Jay Livingstone, Aaron Michlewitz, and Chynah Tyler
- The next NABB Wine tasting party will be Aug. 1 and will be themed around Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream.’ It will take place at Flemings Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar in Park Plaza.
- Enjoy free outdoor yoga every Sunday morning at 8 a.m. in Blackstone Square through the month of August, compliments of Coolidge Yoga South End. Bring a mat and water, and enjoy an hour of all-levels vinyasa.
- The South End Business Association (SEBA) will sponsor a talk by Lauren Prescott, executive director of the South End Historical Society, as she discusses her book on South End history. The event will take place on Wedsnesday, Aug. 1, at 6 p.m. in the AC Hotel at Ink Block.
- Castle Square Tenants Organization (CSTO) will hold their 22nd annual National Night Out event in the Village Court (464 Tremont St.) for the entire South End on Tuesday, Aug. 7, 5-8 p.m. Mayor Martin Walsh is expected to attend.
- The next quarterly project construction update for the Harrison Albany Block project will take place on Tuesday, Aug. 21, at 6 p.m. in the Suffolk Construction trailer at East Dedham Street. Some of the work coming in August includes the slurry wall finalization for the foundation and the erection of the tower crane in mid-August.
- City Councilor Michelle Wu and the Boston Ward 4 Democratic Committee will be co-hosting an ice cream social in Titus Sparrow Park on Sunday, Aug. 19, from 2-4 p.m. Join neighbors, friends, and local Democrats for good ice cream, good toppings, good weather, and good company. For more information, email Jonathan at [email protected] or Sharon at [email protected].
Many in the South End neighborhood have been very perturbed by the traffic lights that went up at Waltham Street and East Canton Street about seven months ago, but still haven’t been turned on.
Week after week, there are rumors of them being turned on, and rumors of rumors of them being turned on.
It’s all amount to squat.
As of this week, they still weren’t on, but on Wednesday, an Eversource electric spokesman said they believed the lights would go on Friday.
He said they only got their permits signed off on from the City one month ago, and since that time, they’ve been working to schedule the turn on date.
Now it looks like Friday could be the magic day.
“We received the wiring permits at the end of May and the excavation permits at the end of June,” said spokesman Michael Durand. “We then scheduled the work along with the many other construction jobs we have in and around the city, and we’re currently looking at (Thursday) or Friday to connect the lights. So the ball’s in our court now to get the lights working, but we only received our final permits to do the work about a month ago.”
- Liz Glynn’s “Open House” art installation opens on July 26 at the Commonwealth Avenue Mall near Kenmore Square. The installation consists of pieces of concrete Gilded Age furniture that aims to get people thinking about who has access to certain spaces, and is modeled after the private ballroom of William C. Whitney in the late 19th century. The exhibit will be on view until November 4.
The Friends of Titus Sparrow Park have once again brought a slate of great summer concerts to the South End park. Below is the remaining lineup of concerts for the summer – including kids’ concerts in the mornings.
- Weds. evenings at 6:30 p.m. (unless noted):
July 31, Vanessa Trien
Aug. 1, Booty Vortex
Aug. 8, Pan Neubean Steel
Boston Public Library’s Concerts in the Courtyard series continues through Friday, Aug. 31, bringing a range of free music to one of Boston’s most beautiful spaces during one-hour concerts throughout the summer. Concerts are held twice each week on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. and on Fridays at 12:30 p.m.
Wednesday concerts are presented in partnership with Berklee College of Music and sponsored by Brookline Bank. Concerts will be moved to the newly renovated Rabb Hall in the event of inclement weather.
- Area 9 Quartet, Friday, July 27, 12:30 p.m.
- Niu Raza, Wednesday, Aug. 1, 6 p.m.
- Properly Unprepared, Friday, Aug. 3, 12:30 p.m.
- Abigail Lim-Kimberg, Wednesday, Aug. 8, 6 p.m.