Hundreds of Volunteers Kick off Holiday Season Food Drive
Many hands made quick work last Thursday of unloading thousands of meals at the Greater Boston Food Bank’s annual Chain of Giving event to feed families in time for Thanksgiving. Mayor Martin Walsh and other officials formed a human chain with more than 200 other volunteers who transferred turkeys from the food bank’s loading dock to its 6,000-square-foot freezer. “Hunger in the United States is an immoral act,” State Treasurer Deborah Goldberg said. “It doesn’t belong here.”
Back Bay Happenings
• NABB Annual Christmas Tree Sale:
The NABB Annual Christmas Tree Sale will take place on Saturday, Dec. 7, and Sunday, Dec. 8, at the Clarendon Street Playground and will feature fresh cut Balsam Fir trees from Maine. Local delivery will be available. Proceeds from the sale benefit the Friends of the Clarendon Street Playground and the Neighborhood Associa-tion of the Back Bay. For more information, visit or call 617-247-3961.
•The next NABB Police Panel/Public Safety Forum will take place from 6 to 7 p.m. on Nov. 25 in the sanctuary of the First Church of Boston, 66 Marlbor-ough St. For more information, please feel free to email Charles Neckyfarow at [email protected].
•Copley Tree Lighting Dec. 2
The Boston Parks and Recreation Department and The Friends of Copley Square welcome the holidays with the annual Copley Square Tree Lighting on Monday, Dec. 2, starting at 5 p.m. This free event will feature appearances by NECN’s Jenny Johnson, Santa Claus, and Rudolph along with musical performances by vocalist Alexus Lee, the Voices Boston Children’s Chorus, the Boston Pops Brass Quintet, a duet featuring Bos-ton Police Officers Kim Tavares and Stephen McNulty, and Berklee College of Music’s own Sam Robbins. Light refreshments will be provided by Drake’s Cakes, HP Hood LLC, and attendees are invited to stop by the Fios Treat Truck to enjoy baked goods com-pliments of Verizon Fios. The Fairmont Copley Plaza will host a family reception im-mediately following for all in attendance. The reception will include cookie decorating, photos with Santa and treats from the Fairmont Copley Plaza. For more information, call (617) 635-4505 or go to
South End Dates
•t’s time to decorate the Ellis for the holidays. The Ellis South End Neighborhood As-sociation is sponsoring the annual wreath decorating day and will be hanging 250 wreaths in the neighborhood on Saturday, Nov. 23, starting at 9 a.m. We will provide you with the wreaths, bows and zip ties! All wreaths will be hung on the lamp posts at eye level. No ladder is involved. We just need you! This is a great way to spend time with your friends and meet your neighbors you may not know. Volunteers throughout the Ellis will pitch in and we hope you will too by signing up below. This is a great event for all ages. Bring your family and friends, or maybe you have a student who needs to do some community service work. All are welcomed. Join us at the Buttery on Clarendon Street at 8:30 a.m. who will be providing complimentary coffee and sweets before we start or meet us out front at 9 a.m. for your wreath hanging assignment! This event will take place snow or shine so dress appropriately! Please email us at [email protected] with any questions.
• Stitch and Tickle and the Vintage Garden Premiere New Shops in Sowa
Stitch and Tickle, a shop focused on handmade leather goods and accessories, and The Vintage Garden, a garden boutique and gallery, are pleased to announce their new shop locations in SoWa. Stitch and Tickle Studio|Store features handmade leather goods, de-signed by artist Sophie Truong, made one-by-one in her studio using only the highest quality leather. Her shop also offers a curated collection of distinctive home accesso-ries and fine fashions. Every item Truong features is selected and made with a concern for quality, limited waste and sustainability. Her process of creating bags is ap-proached in the same way she approaches her artwork: intuitive and tactile. The leather dictates what the final product will be, yet all possess the same qualities of being simple, beautiful, functional and timeless. The Vintage Garden, a garden boutique and art and gift gallery by renowned floral designer, Cristina Lupica, is where modern and vintage come together in a warm and beautiful environment. In addition to offering beautiful garden design, installations and events, The Vintage Garden recently intro-duced an exquisite line of hand-crafted pottery and home décor. Unique, hands-on work-shops led by Cristina, include Brunch and Blooms; Orchids for Beginners, Terrarium Workshop and many holiday inspired workshop events.
•Tremont Street Business Walk: On Friday, Nov. 22, there will be a walk from 12:30-4:30 p.m. that starts at the corner of Tremont and Appleton streets. The city is seeking input from businesses along the corridor about curb regulations.
Starts at the corner of Tremont and Appleton streets, Boston 02116
What: We want input from businesses along the corridor about curb regulations.
•There will be an abutter’s meeting for 22 Braddock Park on Nov. 21, 5:45 p.m. on the premises. The new owners propose to confirm occupancy as a single-family and construct a new rear addition, rear deck, and roof deck. The proposal also includes extending living space into the basement, a rear patio and two off-street parking spaces. The proposal requires Zoning Board approval.
•Union Park Neighborhood Association Never Too Early to Celebrate Holiday Party
Join your neighbors for an evening of friendship and celebration in advance of the holidays. Enjoy delicious tapas, paella, churros, and much more prepared by the Masa chef as well as beer, wine, and of course, margaritas. The party will take place on Thursday, Dec. 5 from 6-9 p.m. at Masa Restaurant, 439 Tremont St. This party is open to all neighborhood residents, businesses, as well as guests. NOTE: A limited number of drink tickets will be distributed at the door. Direct any questions to Sue Ann Fox at [email protected].
•Chester Square Neighbors monthly meeting will be on Weds., Dec. 4.
•The Eight Streets Neighborhood Association will hold its annual Holiday Party at the Eagle on Tremont Street, Dec. 10. Save the date.
•The Blackstone/Franklin Neighborhood Association tree and wreath sale will take place on Saturday, Dec. 7, starting at 9 a.m.
•The next East Berkeley Neighborhood Association meeting will be on Tuesday, Dec. 3, at AC Hotel.
•The Zoning Board hearing for Ming’s Market to expand a warehouse use to a vacant building at 148 East Berkeley St. will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 17, at 10:30 a.m. in City Hall, Room 801
•State Rep. Aaron Michlewitz will be hosting his annual Holiday Fundraiser and Toy Drive at Wink & Nod on Appleton Street in the South End on Dec. 5, 5:30 p.m. He will also host his final coffee hour at Caffe Nero in Downtown Crossing on Dec. 7, 10 a.m. to noon.
Fenway Times
•The Fenway CDC Friendsgiving will take place on Saturday, Nov. 23 from 2-4 p.m. in the Morville House Community Room, 100 Norway St. Join us to kick off the holiday season with a free delicious Thanksgiving meal! Enjoy live holiday tunes from Berklee College and an Artful Meditation workshop with friends and neighbors. All are welcome. For inquiries, please contact Jasmine Vargas at [email protected] or (617) 267-4637 ext. 13.
•Billy Joel to Return in 2020
Last week we announced another concert coming to Fenway Park in 2020: Billy Joel will make his return for the seventh consecutive year on Aug. 28, 2020. The news comes less than two months after closing out our 2019 concert series in September.