From the Dec. 17 Licensed Premise Violation hearing, City Hall:
•The Pitcher’s Mound, Inc., doing business as: Diamond At Fenway; 72 Brookline Ave., Fenway.
Date: 08/08/2019: Persons under 21 in possession of alcohol (draft beer).
From the Dec. 17 Zoning Board of Appeals hearing, City Hall:
•18 Union Park, South End. Applicant: Marc LaCasse
Purpose: Change of Occupancy from three-family dwelling to single-family dwelling. Remove all existing interior partitions. Install new floor joists, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, fire protection, and storm water infiltration systems. Application submitted with nominal fee letter.
•18 Newbury St., Back Bay. Applicant: Concepts International, LLC
Purpose: Project is an interior fit out with new storefront, HVAC, electrical, plumbing and structural is included in scope. No change to construction type, building height or building area.
•200-202 Ipswich St., Back Bay. Applicant: 1241 Boylston, LLC
Purpose: Erect an eight (8) story, maximum height ninety (90) feet, 105,000 square feet building area, 184 room hotel with a ground floor restaurant and 82 parking spaces in one below-grade level. Existing building to be razed under a separate permit.
•48 Union Park Applicant: Highline Development
Purpose: Construct a rear deck off of the kitchen in Unit 3. Some interior changes as per plans.
•140-148 East Berkeley St. Applicant: Leo Motsis as Trustee of 140-148 East. Purpose: In connection with ISD Violation Number V228193, tenant seeks to change occupancy from garage for the repair of motor vehicles (and associated accessary uses) to warehousing and storage of food stuff and grocery items.
•416 Beacon St., Back Bay. Applicant: Beta Nu House Corporation
Purpose: Interior and exterior renovations of a 4 story brick rowhouse. Proposed work includes repairs to exterior masonry, window replacement and energy efficiency upgrades, renovations to kitchen and bathrooms and reconfiguration of bedrooms with accessibility upgrades. Current use is R-2 Fraternity.
•411 Shawmut Ave., South End. Applicant: Adam Grassi
Purpose: Add new roof deck w/spiral staircase, frame new skylight openings, replace roofing and renovated bathroom.
•31 Appleton St. Applicant: Richard Gold
Purpose: Rebuild fourth floor back dormer and add new exterior deck on back of building off fourth floor master bedroom.
From the Dec. 18 Conservation Commission hearing, City Hall:
•Notice of Intent from Fort Point Associates on behalf of the Esplanade Association for the proposed playground renovation located on the Charles River Esplande, Back Bay.
From the Dec. 19 Public Improvement Commission hearing, City Hall Rm. 900, 10 a.m.:
•On a petition by Nubian Square Coalition for a Square Name Change, renaming Governor Dudley Square, Roxbury, located at the intersection of Dudley Street, Washington Street, and Guild Row, to be officially known in the future as Nubian Square.
•On a petition by RREF II Kenmore Lessor III LLC for the making of Specific Repairs within the following public ways in Boston Proper, consisting of curb realignment, sidewalk reconstruction, as well as new and relocated specialty pavement, streetlights, street trees, street furniture, bike racks, bicycle infrastructure, and driveway curb cuts:
Beacon Street – on its northerly side at address nos. 648-660, generally between Commonwealth Avenue and Raleigh Street;
Commonwealth Avenue – on its northerly side generally at Beacon Street.