The Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) on Tuesday voted to approve zoning relief for the proposed project at 34 East Springfield St. in the South End to renovate the existing four story row house into five affordable one bedroom rental units. The project is proposed by the Boston Housing Authority (BHA).
According to the ZBA notice, the project has zoning violations of insufficient usable open space, insufficient number of parking spaces, the basement unit is forbidden, Floor Area Ratio is excessive, there are roof structure restrictions, and the project is in the Groundwater Conservation Overlay District.
Developer Matthew Zoller said that this project’s purpose is to “redevelop what was formerly part of the West Newton Rutland housing development.”
Christian Simonelli of the Boston Groundwater Trust said that he has received the approval letter from the Boston Water and Sewer Commission and a no-harm letter from an engineer.
Zoller said that all units except for the fourth floor unit are 750 square feet, and the fourth floor unit is 625 square feet.
The proposed basement unit is a “typical South End garden-style unit with full access at the back,” Zoller said. “It’s going to be an accessible unit with its door to the alley in the back.”
Kim Crucioli from the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services said that the mayor’s office is in support of the project, and that an abutters meeting was held in October, where neighbors expressed support for the project.
She also said that the Worcester Square Area Neighborhood Association was in support as well, and they had also met with the project proponents in October.
“The income restricted units will benefit and be a great addition to the neighborhood.
Also in support were City Councilors Frank Baker, Michael Flaherty, and Annissa Essaibi George, as was Carolyn Barry from the BHA.
The ZBA voted to approve the proposal.