Lydia Edwards has been endorsed by Teamsters Local 122 and Teamsters Local 25 in the special election to State Senate. Primary Election Day is December 14, 2021. General Election Day is January 11, 2022.
“Teamsters Local 122 is proud to endorse the candidacy of Lydia Edwards to the Massachusetts Senate in the First Suffolk & Middlesex District. Local 122 has supported Lydia as a Boston City Councilor, where she has fought for the issues that benefit working families. Her commitment to these issues that make a difference for the better in workers’ lives is needed in the State Senate. The residents of this district will be well-served by Lydia Edwards,” said John F. Murphy, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 122.
“Lydia Edwards is a proven leader who always stands up for our members when greedy corporations are trying to expand profits at their expense,” said Teamsters Local 25 President Sean M. O’Brien. “Lydia Edwards is a relentless public servant who will never stop fighting for better wages, health insurance, retirement benefits and improved working conditions. She also understands the importance of creating coalitions that provide access to job training and other neighborhood resources to help the working class that is too often forgotten by our elected leaders. Teamsters Local 25 is proud and confident to endorse Lydia Edwards for Massachusetts Senate.”
Lydia Edwards is a fierce advocate for workers’ rights. In the Senate, she’ll continue her strong record of passing legislation and delivering resources and results for working people. As a member of the United Auto Workers, Lydia knows the power of a union, but she also knows that every worker, organized or not, deserves dignity, fair compensation and freedom from harassment in the workplace. Lydia Edwards has stood with workers in the hospitality industry, service workers at Logan Airport, student workers in our higher education system, teachers, Brazilian immigrant workers and many others.
Lydia Edwards is a candidate for State Senate representing the First Suffolk and Middlesex District, following the departure of Senator Joseph A. Boncore. For a full and up-to-date list of endorsements, visit:
Councilor Lydia Edwards is a career advocate, activist, and voice on behalf of society’s most vulnerable. She is currently the Chair of the Committee on Government Operations and the Committee on Housing and Community Development in the Boston City Council. Learn more at