Author: The Boston Sun Staff

A Cardinal Visit

Warren Strom, a veteran at Pine Street for over 30 years, went from being homeless to becoming troubled with addiction to becoming sober and a trusted member of the Pine Street Inn team. Here he is greeted by Cardinal Sean…

Science Fair

Adonis Evans of the McKinley School on Warren Avenue shows how a static charge can transfer between two people during the school’s 2nd Annual Science Fair last Weds., Dec. 21. Students in both middle and high school showed their projects…

Police Briefs 12-29-2016

BACK BAY – KENMORE/FENWAY – SOUTH END POLICE LOG Dec. 19 Clarendon/Stuart streets- Motor Vehicle Accident – Personal Injury 801 Massachusetts Ave. – Larceny Theft from Building 397 Massachusetts Ave. – Larceny Theft From Building 666 Boylston St. – Affray…