Author: The Boston Sun Staff

Love(D) That Dirty Water

By Phineas J. Stone It seemed to escape most news outlets, but a major milestone in Boston’s contentious and contemptuous 1980s history came to a close last Friday. The once, all-consuming Boston Harbor Clean Up fizzled out in Federal Court…

Police Briefs 03-24-2016

March 14 994 Tremont St. – Verbal Dispute 444 Harrison Ave. – Larceny – Theft from Building 219 West Newton St. – Larceny – Purse Snatch – No Force 444 Harrison Ave. – Sick/Injured/Medical – Person 801 Massachusetts Ave. –…

Happy Easter

It’s hard to believe that another Easter already is upon us. Not only does Easter come early this year, but Monday’s snowstorm hardly seemed Easter-like. But regardless of what Mother Nature has in store for us, Good Friday and Easter…