Category: Uncategorized
BTD officials preview changes coming to Tremont Street
Boston Transportation officials were on hand to discuss changes coming to Tremont Street during the second South End Business Forum Tuesday at the Revolution Hotel. The street’s design will be reconfigured by eliminating one traffic lane in either direction at…
Mass/Cass 2.0 features dedicated ‘boots on the ground,’ spreading out services
Dedicating more City employees to the South End and spreading out needle exchange services are two key elements in a new plan to address the opioid epidemic at Mass/Cass, a plan previewed on Tuesday by Health Chief Marty Martinez to…
Guide to Private Schools Special Section
PRESCHOOL Beacon Hill Nursery School 74 Joy Street Boston, MA 02114 617-227-0822 Beacon Hill Nursery School was founded in 1955 and has been a vital part of the downtown community since its inception with a consistent commitment to high…
Collapsible trash bins a hit during East Brookline pilot program
Neighbors on East Brookline Street logged very positive reviews of the collapsible trash bin pilot that has been ongoing since Aug. 6.In a presentation at the South End Forum on Tuesday, Dan Revello of East Brookline Street reported that they…
See-Sharp: Opera Singer/Composer Hopes to Revolutionize Modern Opera
The idea of women in castles wearing powdered wigs, men in a Viking costume and notes in a foreign language held for an eternity is what many might think of when they conjure images of opera, but it’s the course…
Boston Marathon 2019 Traffic Advisory
Street closures and parking restrictions will be in effect in Boston BOSTON MARATHON 2019 TRAFFIC ADVISORY Street closures and parking restrictions will be in effect in Boston The Boston Marathon and the Patriot’s Day Parade will be held on Monday,…
Paint and Sip Night Fundraiser at Women’s Lunch Place
South End Stringfest at More than Words Bookstore
Finding Your Roofs – Thoughts on Tracing the History of Your South End Home – and Perhaps Your Family as Well
Ed Allan[ This guide focusses on the Eight Streets-Union Park neighborhoods of Boston’s South End, but applies to the South End in general. It should be useful also for people who want to trace the history of their homes elsewhere…