Co-hosting Latinx Reception for Kenzie at Puddingstone Tavern Friday
Suffolk County Register of Probate Felix D. Arroyo today endorsed Kenzie Bok for the District 8 seat on the Boston City Council, citing her commitment to housing advocacy, economic justice, and inclusive government.
Arroyo, the first Latino to be elected to the Boston City Council, has a long history of public service and progressive leadership in Boston, dating back to the late 1970’s. In addition to being the first Latino elected to the City Council, he is also the first Latino to ever serve on the Boston School Committee and the first Latino elected to a county-wide position, an office he holds now as the Suffolk County Register of Probate.
Arroyo will co-host a “Latinx for Kenzie” reception with State Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz this Friday, September 20th, from 5:00pm-6:30pm in Mission Hill at the Puddingstone Tavern at 1592 Tremont St.
Over his five years as an At-Large member of the Boston City Council, Arroyo championed greater equality of economic opportunity in Boston and worked to strengthen participatory democratic processes. “I am proud to endorse Kenzie for the Boston City Council” said Arroyo. “She has the heart of an activist, and I know she will push for a more equal and just Boston, where everyone’s voices are included. I’m excited to endorse her and looking forward to co-hosting a reception for her campaign with Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz this Friday.”
“I’m honored to have earned Felix’s endorsement,” said Kenzie. “More than a decade ago, he blazed a trail as a progressive on the Boston City Council, and now we have the opportunity to establish a real progressive majority in City Hall. To get there, we need high turnout in every part of District 8 on Tuesday, September 24th. It would be my honor to represent the Latinx community of Mission Hill and across District 8 as their Councilor, so I’m thrilled to be gathering with Felix and Sonia on Friday as we work to reach every voter!”
In endorsing Kenzie for the District 8 seat on the Boston City Council, Arroyo joins State Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz, State Representatives Jay Livingstone and Aaron Michlewitz, At-Large City Councilors Michelle Wu and Annissa Essaibi-George, District Councilors Kim Janey, Lydia Edwards, and Ed Flynn, the Ward 4 and 5 Democratic Committees, UNITE HERE Local 26, SEIU 32BJ, SEIU 1199, UAW Region 9A, the Massachusetts Nurses Association, the Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus, and the Right to the City Vote coalition.