The Back Bay Architectural Commission will hold a virtual public hearing on Wednesday, Aug. 9, at 5:00 p.m.
Attention: this meeting will only be held virtually and not in person. You can participate in the meeting by going to https://zoom.Us/j/98567591604
Or calling 301-715-8592 and enter meeting id #985 6759 1604
You can also submit written comments or questions to [email protected].
The agenda is as follows:
24.0069 BB 149 Newbury Street:
Applicant: Whitney Robinette
Proposed Work: At rear elevation screen unapproved air compressors at ground level.
24.0062 BB 447 Marlborough Street:
Applicant: Harrison Levitsky
Proposed Work: At front garden remove Ailanthus tree.
In order to expedite the review process, the commission has delegated the approval of certain work items, such as those involving ordinary maintenance and repair, restoration or replacement, or which otherwise have a minimal impact on a building’s appearance, to commission staff pending ratification at its monthly public hearing. Having been identified as meeting these eligibility criteria and all applicable guidelines, the following applications will be approved at this hearing:
• Applicants whose projects are listed under this heading NEED NOT APPEAR at the hearing. Following the hearing, you will be issued a Determination Sheet to present at the Inspectional Services Department (1010 Massachusetts Avenue) as proof of project approval when applying for permits. ISD personnel will send an electronic copy of your building-permit application to the commission staff for review. (To avoid potential confusion, the text of your building-permit application should be consistent with the project description given below.) Commission staff will accordingly authorize the execution of the work, attaching any applicable provisos, reflecting the relevant guidelines and precedents.
*Please note that following issuance of the determination sheet no further correspondence will be issued for the applications listed below. The electronic building-permit application as annotated by commission staff will constitute your Certificate of Appropriateness; this will be valid for one year from the date of the hearing. The applicant is required to notify the commission of any project changes; failure to do so may affect the status of the approval.
If you have any questions not addressed by the above information, please contact staff at 617.635.2511 or [email protected]. Thank you.
24.0089 BB Arlington Street: Realignment of Arlington Street at Beacon Street and Mugar Way, installation of new crosswalk at Commonwealth Avenue Mall, and reconstruct curb ramp at Marlborough Street.
24.0060 BB 179 Beacon Street: Remove roof deck; replace rubber roofing, slate, copper gutter and trim in-kind; and repair masonry.
23.1119 BB 280 Beacon Street: Replace eleven third-story windows with historically appropriate wood windows, and at rear elevation install vent at location of former vent opening.
24.0061 BB 282 Beacon Street: Repoint masonry, replace deteriorated window trim in-kind, repaint trim.
24.0046 BB 334 Beacon Street: Replace three first story one-over-one wood windows in-kind.
23.1209 BB 388 Beacon Street: Replace rubber membrane roofing in-kind.
24.0034 BB 825 Boylston Street: At front façade, replace broken glass panel in-kind.
24.0081 BB 907 Boylston Street: At front façade, replace existing wall sign, blade sign and awning.
24.0086 BB 131 Commonwealth Avenue: Replace all existing windows with historically appropriate wood windows.
24.0001 BB 213 Commonwealth Avenue: Repair masonry and repaint windows.
24.0053 BB 239 Commonwealth Avenue: At side elevation replace seventh-story non-historic aluminum window unit with wood window unit.
24.0101 BB 332 Commonwealth Avenue: At front façade replace deteriorated slate and wood trim at Mansard roof in-kind.
24.0112 BB 362 Commonwealth Avenue: At front façade replace three first-story non-historic aluminum windows with historically appropriate wood windows.
24.0002 BB 22 Marlborough Street: At roof replace rubber membrane roofing in- kind.
24.0014 BB 22 Marlborough Street, Unit 7: At roof replace existing roof deck in-kind.
24.0015 BB 22 Marlborough Street, Unit 8: At roof replace existing roof deck in-kind.
23.1032 BB 66 Marlborough Street: Replace existing wood windows and doors in-kind.
24.0113 BB 66 Marlborough Street: Clean and repoint masonry, replace sealants, install new roofing system above window well systems, and repair copper panels.
24.0105 BB 103 Marlborough Street: At rear Mansard roof replace slate in-kind.
24.0075 BB 337 Marlborough Street: At front façade replace deteriorated slate and deteriorated wood elements in-kind.
24.0065 BB 353 Marlborough Street: At front façade repair existing façade elements and replace in-kind as necessary.
24.0054 BB 440 Marlborough Street: At rear elevation repair existing fire escape.
24.0077 BB 119 Newbury Street: At front façade reorient existing handicapped access ramp.
24.0058 BB 123 Newbury Street: At front façade install temporary signage at first story retail space.
24.0026 BB 174 Newbury Street: At front façade replace wall signage at first story retail space.
23.1082 BB 177 Newbury Street: At front façade remove existing non-historic fencing and replace in limited areas.
23.1083 BB 179 Newbury Street: At front façade replace wall signage. 24.0038 BB 222 Newbury Street: At front façade replace wall sign at lower retail space.
23.1207 BB 230 Newbury Street: At front façade replace signage.
24.0006 BB 343 Newbury Street: At front façade replace existing signage.
415 Newbury Street: Demolish existing addition and develop 2 residential buildings at
415 Newbury Street. Building 1 is a 3-story approximately 32,000 sf residential building
with below grade parking. Building 2 is an 11-story approximately 123,000 sf mixed use
building attached to the existing Harvard Club building located at 374 Commonwealth
Ave. The mixed uses include residential and Harvard Club athletic facilities.